Thursday, April 08, 2010

Last Thing Before Bed!

It is just about bed time for this old fella! Saw I hadn't posted for a couple of days (mainly because not much has happened) so I thought I had better do something.

I have been helping several older Computer Club members out with Skype, getting Winrar to run properly and configuring Mailwasher Free (it is now the Pro version) for them. Other local friends needed anti-virus programs so I have installed NOD32 for them and everyone seems quite happy. Neighbours over the road had a major disaster with their PC when the power board the ADSL modem was plugged into 'blew up'. The computer lost heaps of files and it has been necessary to re install several programs to get everything up and running again.

I set up Usenet downloads on a mate's PC as well. Also provided some long distance support to my sister Judy down in Victoria in setting up her Skype. She couldn't get her microphone to work. She later discovered the microphone connection was plugged into the headphone jack by mistake. It worked perfectly when she plugged it in to the right spot!

I have ridden the bike most mornings and then had a quick swim afterwards. It was down to 24 degrees in the pool this morning. Today was a glorious 31 while overnight is now in the high teens. I have 175 Community Association Newsletters to deliver tomorrow morning.

I have had it confirmed the neighbour I had a verbal joust with earlier this week is moving to another house about 5 doors down the street. We are delighted that they will no longer be our next door neighbours!

Did some autumnal cleaning today with the pressure spray. I tidied up some border stones and gave the canvas awning screen a good clean where the BBQ smoke had left a mark.

We went out for a meal with friends on Wednesday night to the Thai restaurant in town and had an excellent meal. From there two couples went on to the RSL where a Roy Orbison 'tribute artist' was performing . He was pretty good we all reckoned!

Trish's knee is slowly coming good but I reckon she still needs to see the doctor for a professional opinion.

Trish is out tonight at the Trivia night which she really enjoys. Usually she is home by now but I am sure she won't be too far away! There goes the garage door now so she is home so I had better go!

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