Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Lovely Sunny Tuesday

Though the weather is just glorious today, top of 26 and hardly a cloud in the sky, we had a reminder this morning that winter is around the corner. The morning temp was down to 14 degrees which came as a shock to us early morning bike riders. I did about 14 k's this morning and it was certainly brisk when I first hopped on the bike. A couple of hills later and it had certainly warmed up.

Footy wasn't good news for either Trish or myself this weekend. Ah well ... there is next weekend now isn't there!

The photo above shows the front lawn prior to Christmas and before we had all the rain. The photo to the left was taken this morning. Just goes to show what 40" of rain can do! It looks different with the palm being removed too. It was mowed yesterday so there are some brown spots where the top was 'shaved'.

Trish is doing work at the Tourist Information Centre this morning and this afternoon the new Microwave goes to the repair shop. Hopefully we will have it back and working perfectly in a week or so.

Put another brew 'on' this morning so I will have bottles to wash later this week and I will probably have to bottle early next week. This is a home made lid tightening handle used to tighten the lid to ensure it is airtight.

Trish's team were runners up in the Trivia Night she went to last night. Trouble is there were only 3 teams! She now goes to trivia twice each week.

I am enjoying my new ISP (Internet Service Provider). The added download allocation I now have saves a little when required to pick and choose what I want to download. My ISP is announcing 'new' plans tomorrow and the tip is we will get a faster connection for the same monthly cost.

The ground is still quite wet in some areas of the estate. these puddles were there yesterday after the rain had stopped several days before. The forecast is for a dry week coming up. However we are entering the "dry" season so rainfall is expected to drop off.

I am assisting one of the elderly Computer Club members to buy a new laptop on Thursday so we are going 'shopping'. I enjoy helping to spend other people's money!

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