Sunday, November 08, 2009

Trish Is Very Pleased With Herself

Trish enjoys her quilting and stitchery. She is also into creating things with small beads, making pendants and the like. She attends a couple of sessions each week at the local Arts and Crafts Centre. This weekend the Arts and Crafts Centre are conducting their Annual Arts and Crafts Market. People are able to put things they have made into the market and sell them.

Trish made a heap of small Christmas decorations using small beads. I know she uses small beads because a few of them have been sucked up off the floor by the vacuum cleaner! She put them all on a small stand and put them up for sale. This is her 'work area' in the spare bedroom.

Every single one of the beaded decorations sold on the first day of the market and she has made herself over $100. She is just delighted that other people thought what she had made was worth buying. This is not all profit of course as the cost of buying the bits and pieces to create the finished handicrafts has not been included.

Trish is again helping out with the Market today.

The antibiotics have worked already with my sore throat now completely gone. My cold is on the improve too and I am feeling fine.

Lately temps have been in the mid to high 20's with 27 expected today. Some showers are forecast for later but we will wait and see. So many promises of good rain recently have turned into nothing! The pool was 24.5 when I swam after this morning's ride. It will warm up more today to about 26 or so. Very pleasant for swimming. However I will be in front of the TV watching India Vs Australia live from India this afternoon in a One Day International cricket match.

1 comment:

Mick & Janet said...

Hi Les (and Trish),
I have been reading your blog to see what you have been up to. Sounds like you have been hard at work with the spring cleaning, arts & crafts and involved in the local computer club.

Things are good at home. Every one is well - although I think we have all been ill through winter (Janet, myself - flu, Anthony - Glandular fever (now he might stop kissing the girls !!) and Al has a had a few crashes off his motor bike (boys will be boys).

Both boys are now driving cars (and Bike) - so we are getting closer to being empty nesters.

Michel - finishes Uni in Nov (and looks like doing a masters next year in Journalism)
Alan - has a trade - as a painter, working for the council; &
Anthony - has found employment with a company (Beyond Productions)in Sydney, as a "film editor".

And Catherine and Benny are doing well in their respective carers/lives. Benny, has recently been promoted (again) at David Jones - now a Marketing Manager. Both Catherine & Benny work tooooo hard with very long days in the city. Both have boyfriend (Christian)/girlfriend (Jess) and appears to be going well. Benny & Jess went on an African Safaria holiday in Sept to South Africa.

We had a family weekend at Shoal bay in late October - and have invited the kids (and friends). A great weekend was had by all - I think it will be an annual event. t

Janet & I are contemplating buying another car as the Mazda has gone to Al. We are also looking at a taking a European holiday next year (or year after) - depends on finances.

Take of yourselves - and we will catch up again not too far down the track.

Mick & Janet