Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cricket Match All Over In Three days!

I did myself a little harm when manually rolling up a blind on Friday night. I injured my shoulder again and it is still very tender today!

I went to Computer Club yesterday morning and spent some time setting up an email account (old Hotmail account) so it would work in Outlook Express. Hotmail stopped allowing people to download emails via their email client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc) but changed their mind again about 12 months ago. However the new settings are different so it took a bit of trial and error to make sure we had the 'new' settings to get it to work properly. I have since created a new Gmail Account for Trish so she can send and receive her own emails rather than using the Netspace address all the time. This will also enable Trish to access emails online when she is visiting Melbourne.

It has been hot lately. Last night was a balmy 24 overnight and today it is about 30 or so with humidity in the high 60's! We had heaps of thunder and lightning yesterday afternoon but we just managed to get the pool surrounds wet with the little rain we had. Inland got a bit more rain. It did drop the temperature a bit and much of the afternoon was spent in the mid to high 20's. The pool was about 27 degrees this morning when I had a swim!

I have been enjoying watching the cricket on TV. Test matches can last up to 5 days but this game was over in less than three days. I was planning on spending the whole day enjoying the game today but now that isn't going to happen.

Our daughter Kim was robbed on Thursday. She lost her new TV and her laptop. Insurance is replacing the lost items. It appears the intruders came in while the three of them were all asleep upstairs. It is scary when this sort of thing happens while you are at home.

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