Friday, November 20, 2009

Another Warm Sunny Day

I have again just returned from the Chiropractor where more work has been done on my right shoulder. I will need to be very careful with it and make sure I don't do anything which will aggravate it further. I am typing here with a cold ice pack on it.

I have done further work on fine tuning my all in one remote control to work with the upgraded Pay TV box. As we can now watch nearly all our free to air TV via the Pay TV box it has become the major piece of equipment in the entertainment unit and I needed to change some remote control settings (which I do via the internet) to reflect that.

We had a great night out on Wednesday when we went back to the newly discovered Thai Restaurant. The food was quite OK (but not as good as we get when we are in Melbourne) and the surroundings very pleasant. The bill for the 6 of us came to $80 and this ensured we had a very good night. 6 people being served for $80 is an excellent deal. And as we were allowed to bring our own alcohol (and at no corkage charge) it made for a great night. The other two chaps in this photo (Paul and Tony) helped me dig out the 'new' area.

The garden area in the backyard has now been finished and things are back in place. Trish and I trekked to Bunnings (a DIY warehouse) yesterday and purchased a new pot and plants. These are now in place and add to the backyard. There won't be any further work done until my shoulder improves.

Friends John and Sue are due to arrive later this afternoon in their new Winnebago Motor Home. John (my finance guy) was always keen to get into this sort of thing when he retired and this quick trip to Queensland is their first go in it. Looks like the RSL and the poker machines for tea tonight! They are only staying the one night.

It has just gone midday here and the temp is getting towards 30 degrees. However the 60% humidity makes it feel a bit warmer than that. The pool was 26.5 this morning and should be 28 this afternoon!

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