Monday, November 16, 2009

Off To The Chiropractor Today!

Thanks to Lou Ann for her comment.

My car tyres needed pumping up today so I popped into a service station and gave them a well deserved inflate! Noticed one of the front tyres was looking a bit bare so I immediately headed to the local tyre sales place for a closer examination. I now have two new tyres and a wheel alignment. One of the two front tyres was down to the canvas on the inside of the tyre where I couldn't see. A blowout could have occurred by just driving over a large stone left on the road.

I am off to the chiropractor this afternoon. My shoulder and upper back are killing me. My shoulder hurts so much I can hardly manipulate the computer mouse! Both problems are the result of the work recently completed in the back yard. I think I need a rest from manual labor!

Trish does volunteer work with the local Tourist Information Service run by the Council. A large new super modern and super deluxe resort called "Rhumba" has just opened up here in Caloundra and all the volunteer workers have been invited to attend an "Information Day".

A meal and a tour of the new resort will keep Trish occupied today. I am picking her up at about 5 pm. I managed to download these photos from the internet, the one above left is inside one of the units, the other is of the pool and the one below is a view of the new resort itself. It looks pretty nice doesn't it? This was one day's volunteer work Trish was really looking forward to!
We have hot northerlies blowing today and a top of 30 forecast. It is expected to get to the mid 30's in Brisbane later this week. It won't be quite that hot here. Hopefully we will get a thunder storm and a quick downpour to water our parched lawns! The pool and the 'new' area will be popular spots this week!

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