Monday, November 30, 2009

First Decent Rain For 5 Months

At last Caloundra received its first decent storm for the season and it dropped 24mls of very welcome rain on us here in Caloundra West. When I checked my figures, the last time we had a figure greater than 24mls was June 30th! That is 5 months ago! However the grass at the front of our little home has disappeared, it is almost a sandy waste. Hopefully the rain will get the grass growing again! There was no need to water the potplants or top up the pool today, mother nature had done it for us. Can you see the rain falling in the photo?

Today has been spent with me watching good friend Paul building a new Pool Filter Cover. This photo doesn't show the new structure at its best but that is nothing a good coat of paint won't fix. After the work was completed Paul and I tried a little beer testing and it was unanimous that the "Black" beer was the best. The two pics show a before and after comparison. There is now a drop in the filter pump noise level which was a major aim of the new cover.

On Monday night I enjoyed a lovely meal with Tony and Angela. Again a few beers were had as well as the enjoyable meal. A very successful and pleasant day all round.

Tomorrow after the morning bike ride I am down to Kingscliff in Northern NSW to catch up with Graeme Williamson. I will spend an evening there before driving back home on Wednesday.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cricket Match All Over In Three days!

I did myself a little harm when manually rolling up a blind on Friday night. I injured my shoulder again and it is still very tender today!

I went to Computer Club yesterday morning and spent some time setting up an email account (old Hotmail account) so it would work in Outlook Express. Hotmail stopped allowing people to download emails via their email client (Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc) but changed their mind again about 12 months ago. However the new settings are different so it took a bit of trial and error to make sure we had the 'new' settings to get it to work properly. I have since created a new Gmail Account for Trish so she can send and receive her own emails rather than using the Netspace address all the time. This will also enable Trish to access emails online when she is visiting Melbourne.

It has been hot lately. Last night was a balmy 24 overnight and today it is about 30 or so with humidity in the high 60's! We had heaps of thunder and lightning yesterday afternoon but we just managed to get the pool surrounds wet with the little rain we had. Inland got a bit more rain. It did drop the temperature a bit and much of the afternoon was spent in the mid to high 20's. The pool was about 27 degrees this morning when I had a swim!

I have been enjoying watching the cricket on TV. Test matches can last up to 5 days but this game was over in less than three days. I was planning on spending the whole day enjoying the game today but now that isn't going to happen.

Our daughter Kim was robbed on Thursday. She lost her new TV and her laptop. Insurance is replacing the lost items. It appears the intruders came in while the three of them were all asleep upstairs. It is scary when this sort of thing happens while you are at home.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Have Had A Good Day!

Our pool has a salt chlorinator. The pool water has salt in it. The chlorinator uses this salt to create chlorine which keeps the pool water safe and clean from bacteria. A chlorinator is an expensive part of the pool. The chlorinator needs to run for so many hours a day to keep the supply of chlorine up to what is required. At this time of year the chlorinator needs to run for about 6 hours a day, 3 in the morning and 3 more in the afternoon and this is set using the inbuilt timer. I wanted to change my morning timer settings from a 7 am start to 6:30 am. I adjusted the settings to 6:30 am to 9:30 am for the morning run.

I got a bit of a fright when the timer wouldn't start automatically at 6:30 am! I could start it manually and it would automatically turn off at 9:30. I again adjusted the settings and again the chlorinator failed to start. The afternoon session from 1pm to 4 pm worked fine. I gambled and hit the "Reset" button and reset up all the settings, the clock, the amount of chlorine I wanted made and the timer settings too.

The afternoon session timer setting worked perfectly and this morning I waited patiently for the clock to tick around to 6:25 am the new start up time. I was very thankful when at 6:25 sharp the chlorinator and pool pump started up. I did not want to have to spend the best part of $1000 to have the chlorinator replaced just before we headed to Melbourne for Christmas! The automatic function is crucial for when we travel, we know the pool is being chlorinated even though we may be 2000k's away!

I was invited out to tea last night by Linda and Paul. Linda prepared a lovely Laksa dish. We enjoyed a few drinks together and all in all had a lovely night.

Cricket is on TV all today with Australia taking on the West Indies in a Test match!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Not A Lot Of News

We have had a couple of 'cooler' days with a lovely north easterly breeze. The top temp has been about 28 degrees both days and the cooling sea breeze has made for very pleasant afternoons. I had the car serviced yesterday afternoon so there is another job out of the way before our drive to Melbourne in mid December. I really enjoyed my Pizza I bought last night for my evening meal.

There was cricket from New Zealand on TV all yesterday and today and I enjoyed watching it very much. I continue to bike ride most mornings and today was no exception. The pic to the left is from the path we ride on around "Little Mountain Common". There is plenty of cricket over the next week as Australia take on the West Indies tomorrow here in Brisbane.

I have booked 6 seats for a show at the RSL late in January with the old English 60's group "The Searchers". Trish and I have seen them about 4 times before. It is a great night's entertainment and brings back fabulous memories of music from the 60's. Friends Tony and Angela and Paul and Linda are coming with us. It will be a good night.

My shoulder is improving but only slowly. I have stretched some ligaments and it is taking some time for the strain to heal. I take an anti-inflammatory tablet daily but it seems to have worn off by the time I go to bed. However last night there wasn't a lot of discomfort when it came time to head to bed. It was warm enough for me to have a quick swim prior to hitting the sack!

I washed bottles Tuesday ready for my next bottling which should occur about Friday.

Trish has settled in to some baby sitting duties in Melbourne and is finding her calendar becoming quite busy already so she is in for a busy time down there.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Warm Days

It looks like being 30 or thereabouts everyday this week. There could be a shower or two and possibly a little cooler tomorrow but we have heard that one before! For the first time since we moved here about 7 or 8 years ago the Sunshine Coast will have water restrictions beginning December 1st. We will be allowed to water gardens, wash cars, top up pools etc. 6 days per week but not between 10 am and 4pm. This will not make any difference to us. The abundant Sunshine Coast water supply has now been connected into a grid which also supplies Brisbane which has experienced severe water shortages in the past. We have therefore inherited Brisbane's restrictions.

It was warm and very breezy yesterday. So breezy in fact that the umbrella was whisked out of its base and finished up going over the shed (seen in the pic) and ending up in over the back's backyard! There wasn't anyone home so I put the aluminium ladder against the fence and climbed over. I rescued the umbrella just as the people arrived home. There weren't any problems and we had a bit of a chat.

Then came the need to get back over the fence. I had to drag the ladder over the fence and use it to get back. With a crook shoulder this was no fun.

I got the drill out and made a hole in the umbrella stand so now the base screws into the umbrella stand. It won't blow out again!

Trish has arrived safely in Melbourne. There was a load moan from all the passengers as the pilot announced the temperature in Melbourne was 13 degrees as the plane taxied to drop off passengers at the Melbourne terminal.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

On My Own Again

I have just dropped Trish at Maroochydore Airport for her two hour flight to Melbourne. There is a birthday party on for one of the grand children in Melbourne this afternoon and Trish was going to arrive in time to attend. She is looking forward to her visit south and is due back in 16 days.

Weather has been low 30's during the day and low 20's overnight. The pool is over 28 degrees during the day (it was almost 27 degrees this morning at 7 am) and is a very popular spot nowadays. The new area is just wonderful giving us great shade and extra room. It is now worth every cent we paid.

My shoulder remains tender after visiting the Chiropractor again, she suspects I have strained some tendons in my shoulder. I am back on anti-inflammatory tablets and it is feeling much better now. I need to be careful with what I do.

John and Sue arrived in their Winnebago Friday afternoon. It seems a great unit and they find it very comfortable. John isn't overly technically minded so he had little idea on how to tune his TV. After a few quick lessons he can now do this effectively and efficiently. We then visited the local Camping Store where he managed to spend quite a bit of money. He bought a map book for Australia, a kettle which worked off the car cigarette lighter for his coffee fixes while on the road, a large step to make getting into and out of bed a lot easier, some protectors so the seat belts wouldn't cut into him while he drove without a shirt on and then a Satellite Navigation unit to help him find his way around. The Winnebago has everything that opens and shuts, automatic hatch closers and opener and then an electrically operated fan. It is a great unit.

They headed off to Brisbane yesterday about lunchtime to visit the guy who was having a 60th birthday party after John rang to find the address! I guess you now can see the value for him in the Satellite Navigation unit he bought. They expect to be back in Melbourne on Thursday of next week.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Another Warm Sunny Day

I have again just returned from the Chiropractor where more work has been done on my right shoulder. I will need to be very careful with it and make sure I don't do anything which will aggravate it further. I am typing here with a cold ice pack on it.

I have done further work on fine tuning my all in one remote control to work with the upgraded Pay TV box. As we can now watch nearly all our free to air TV via the Pay TV box it has become the major piece of equipment in the entertainment unit and I needed to change some remote control settings (which I do via the internet) to reflect that.

We had a great night out on Wednesday when we went back to the newly discovered Thai Restaurant. The food was quite OK (but not as good as we get when we are in Melbourne) and the surroundings very pleasant. The bill for the 6 of us came to $80 and this ensured we had a very good night. 6 people being served for $80 is an excellent deal. And as we were allowed to bring our own alcohol (and at no corkage charge) it made for a great night. The other two chaps in this photo (Paul and Tony) helped me dig out the 'new' area.

The garden area in the backyard has now been finished and things are back in place. Trish and I trekked to Bunnings (a DIY warehouse) yesterday and purchased a new pot and plants. These are now in place and add to the backyard. There won't be any further work done until my shoulder improves.

Friends John and Sue are due to arrive later this afternoon in their new Winnebago Motor Home. John (my finance guy) was always keen to get into this sort of thing when he retired and this quick trip to Queensland is their first go in it. Looks like the RSL and the poker machines for tea tonight! They are only staying the one night.

It has just gone midday here and the temp is getting towards 30 degrees. However the 60% humidity makes it feel a bit warmer than that. The pool was 26.5 this morning and should be 28 this afternoon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Much Cooler Wednesday

My trip to the Chiropractor on Monday eased many of my pains but I am still having a problem with my right shoulder. I get the greatest discomfort when using the computer mouse. This is indeed extremely serious! With each day it improves a little.

Yesterday (Tuesday) we had a 35 degree day which is quite hot for up here in this part of Queensland. Strong north westerly winds kept the temp up. The hottest time of the day was at 10 am. A sea breeze then kicked in and the humidity rose substantially while the temp dropped back to the high 20's. We have been riding our bikes each morning but this was the overcast sky which greeted us this morning. We are expecting 29 today when the cloud clears with a possible storm tonight and then back in to the 30's again for the next few days. The pool was heading towards 29 yesterday and was 26.5 when I swam this morning after the ride.

I had the air-con on for much of the day as we were having our upgraded Pay TV box installed. It is all operational now and how the quality of the picture has improved. This is achieved by a better quality Pay TV box and the introduction of High Definition Channels. I am very impressed with the way it worked out. My recent purchases from China (HDMI Switch and DVI to HDMI Adapters) have worked perfectly.

Trish continues to do some volunteer work at the local Information Centre and today she is back to Quilters. She heads to Melbourne for two weeks on Sunday while I stay here and do more to the backyard!

Tonight we are off to the new Thai restaurant we 'discovered' recently. Six of us are going and it will be a good night.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Off To The Chiropractor Today!

Thanks to Lou Ann for her comment.

My car tyres needed pumping up today so I popped into a service station and gave them a well deserved inflate! Noticed one of the front tyres was looking a bit bare so I immediately headed to the local tyre sales place for a closer examination. I now have two new tyres and a wheel alignment. One of the two front tyres was down to the canvas on the inside of the tyre where I couldn't see. A blowout could have occurred by just driving over a large stone left on the road.

I am off to the chiropractor this afternoon. My shoulder and upper back are killing me. My shoulder hurts so much I can hardly manipulate the computer mouse! Both problems are the result of the work recently completed in the back yard. I think I need a rest from manual labor!

Trish does volunteer work with the local Tourist Information Service run by the Council. A large new super modern and super deluxe resort called "Rhumba" has just opened up here in Caloundra and all the volunteer workers have been invited to attend an "Information Day".

A meal and a tour of the new resort will keep Trish occupied today. I am picking her up at about 5 pm. I managed to download these photos from the internet, the one above left is inside one of the units, the other is of the pool and the one below is a view of the new resort itself. It looks pretty nice doesn't it? This was one day's volunteer work Trish was really looking forward to!
We have hot northerlies blowing today and a top of 30 forecast. It is expected to get to the mid 30's in Brisbane later this week. It won't be quite that hot here. Hopefully we will get a thunder storm and a quick downpour to water our parched lawns! The pool and the 'new' area will be popular spots this week!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, A Day Of Rest?

The concrete has now set, the form work has been removed and two coats of sealer have been applied. This morning Vincent, the concrete guy, returned to tidy up some edges. I had wanted them nice and straight so the border stones could clip onto the edge easily. That was no problem for him today. Usually there are two guys and they have spent at least 5 hours with the initial day's work followed by time yesterday to do the sealing. Then Vincent was back again today with this saw to do the edges for me.

Then I placed the border stones along the edges of the pavers as well as the new concrete area and here is the finished product. We still have some more trial and error to go so things look as we want them to. Already we have dispensed with an extra tier of the border stones, they made things look a bit too bulky. We will put a tall pot with a plant in it in the far corner to break up the red ochre color. It gives us that little more room we wanted.

This is the view from the new area, it is so strange to have a decent area between where we were sitting and the pool. It gives things a much roomier perspective. Over the next few days we will get the remaining garden back in to some order. We still plan to re cover all the fences with some new 'brush' covering. It is also time to do the pool filter cover again and block it right away. That will keep me busy for a few days ........ and I think a trip to the chiropractor is in order too.

Our updated pay TV box is to be installed on Tuesday afternoon. Not only we have access to high definition Pay TV but we will be able to record either free to air programs or Pay TV programs too.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Is This The Dearest Piece Of Concrete In Caloundra?

It was Thursday and D-Day, the day three of us (Tony, Paul and myself) chose to dig out the area where the palm had been ready for concreting! I had been quoted $300 just to dig it out. To save some money Paul suggested the three of us get together and do the work ourselves. I had been quoted $650 to have it dug out and have a concrete slab poured. So by using our own labor to dig it out I thought to then have the concrete colored and have a pattern in it would possibly work out to be between $500 and $600 as a top price. To finish the day off we were going to have Paul, Tony and wives around for a BBQ tea!

This is what we started with. We had three guys, two barrows and Tony's one ton truck to move the dirt. We were under way at about 7:30 am (instead of our usual bike ride). It was a coolish day so we set to work. Paul has a crook back and wore a corset, Tony had just been told he needed yet another knee replacement and my back is touchy at the best of times.

We did the work slowly with plenty of rests and drinks of water. Paul (see above) has done quite a bit of this sort of work so he was the 'foreman!

After 4 hours and two trips to the tip with the soil we had dug out the work was completed. The digging rate had slowed remarkably as the morning wore on, the rests became longer and the drinks of water become more frequent. There were still plenty of roots from the palm which had been removed and these slowed us down a lot. But eventually we got there.

We were very happy with our job so we rang the concrete guy to come and see if we had done everything OK. He was working locally so just as we were finishing he popped in a gave it the seal of approval. He went on to say he would probably do the job during that afternoon. It wasn't too long till he had the formwork ready to go. Trish had discussed the color with him as well as a feature stencil to add a point of interest to the area. He assured us he would keep his charges down to a minimum for us (he was the guy who had quoted $650), he would use the less expensive coloring and he had a stencil left over from a previous job. It all sounded good!

While the three of us sat back to have a well earned beer, we watched as things began to take shape. The concrete was delivered, barrowed around to the back and laid. It was smoothed, angled so water would flow in one direction to a drain and then out came the dust to color the concrete. The concrete was a little on the wet side and as the afternoon wore on the area being worked on moved into the shade.

Well we finished up with red coloring dust everywhere, all over the patio, in the pool on the fence, just everywhere! As the guys worked, they stood in the dust and then there were even more red footprints. They began to wash the dust away thus creating more mess from their red footsteps. The day crept on and after quite a few beers Paul and Tony left for home to tidy up and come back for the BBQ. The concreters were still here courtesy of the wet concrete at 6 pm. They were unable to seal it that night.

They were back again this morning to seal it but still it was too wet! It was then I was told the price. You could have knocked me over with a feather! It was dearer than the $650 he had originally quoted me! As I said, this must be close to the dearest slab of concrete in Caloundra!

It will certainly give us more room to enjoy around the pool. We will now be able to easily accommodate up to 6 of us without nearly falling in to the pool. We have spent quite a bit of money to have the backyard set up beautifully, so in the scheme of things some added costs will not detract from the lovely are we will have.

Next week we are looking at temps getting into the 30's so the thoughts on how much the new area cost will fade as we enjoy it!

Remember to click on a photo for a larger view. Then hit "Back" to return to this page.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It Is Wednesday

I had a great day Sunday enjoying the cricket from India on the TV. It was great to see an understrength Australian side defeat India in a series win on their home turf. It was a great effort and a wonderful testament to the strength of First Class cricket in Australia when guys can step straight out of a domestic competition and succeed on the international stage.

We ride most mornings and I won't tell where we rode today, I will just let you guess from the photo here on the left. Most day's rides are completed for me with a quick dip in the pool. Monday was spent just messing around, I can't remember what I did to tell you the truth. I did spend a bit of time at Paul's place sorting out a couple of issues on his PC during the afternoon. I have also spent some time fine tuning the BeCA website. It is all finished now.

Tuesday saw me head in to Kawana for a my annual visit to the Ear Nose and Throat guy to check out my ear. I have had my eardrum in my right ear replaced several times and I have an annual inspection and tidy up. I also grabbed a 500GB external Hard Disk Drive to which I have now copied about 300 movies and heaps of music. This is for Russ and Irene in Victoria. Their new Samsung TV has a built in media player so by attaching this external HDD they can easily playback movies and music with just the press of a couple of buttons.

During the morning we had the anode replaced in our hot water system. The anode 'attracts' the rust and prevents the hot water tank from rusting itself.

Then Tuesday afternoon Tony and I went into Caloundra to the local MP's office to print off 1250 copies of the Bellvista Connector, the newsletter produced by BeCA. They are now ready to be given out and distributed! Took under an hour to do the job and at no cost to us.

Today was time for yet another brew to go on. It is just beginning to bubble now as I type. Trish is at Quilters this morning. I seem to have a bit of my sore throat back again, I have had extensive problems with colds the last month or so. I just can't seem to fully throw it off.

Tomorrow is digging day. Paul and Tony are coming around and the aim is to dig out the area ready for some colored and patterned concrete to be laid. Hopefully this concreting will be completed before Trish flies down to Melbourne on Sunday week.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Trish Is Very Pleased With Herself

Trish enjoys her quilting and stitchery. She is also into creating things with small beads, making pendants and the like. She attends a couple of sessions each week at the local Arts and Crafts Centre. This weekend the Arts and Crafts Centre are conducting their Annual Arts and Crafts Market. People are able to put things they have made into the market and sell them.

Trish made a heap of small Christmas decorations using small beads. I know she uses small beads because a few of them have been sucked up off the floor by the vacuum cleaner! She put them all on a small stand and put them up for sale. This is her 'work area' in the spare bedroom.

Every single one of the beaded decorations sold on the first day of the market and she has made herself over $100. She is just delighted that other people thought what she had made was worth buying. This is not all profit of course as the cost of buying the bits and pieces to create the finished handicrafts has not been included.

Trish is again helping out with the Market today.

The antibiotics have worked already with my sore throat now completely gone. My cold is on the improve too and I am feeling fine.

Lately temps have been in the mid to high 20's with 27 expected today. Some showers are forecast for later but we will wait and see. So many promises of good rain recently have turned into nothing! The pool was 24.5 when I swam after this morning's ride. It will warm up more today to about 26 or so. Very pleasant for swimming. However I will be in front of the TV watching India Vs Australia live from India this afternoon in a One Day International cricket match.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

All Wired Up

My sore throat and cold are on the mend. Another trip to the doctor yesterday so me back on antibiotics for the infection and some high strength lozenges for the throat. I have only taken 3 antibiotic tablets at this stage and the throat is already on the improve. After a call from my mate Russell in Victoria it seems I am not the only one to be hit by this sore throat - cold bug.

I forgot to mention a great night out we had with Tony and Paul and Linda when we went to a newly opened Thai Restaurant here in Caloundra on Wednesday night. The prices were very reasonable and being BYO (Bring Your Own) alcohol the home brew made it an inexpensive night out. Food was good, the little restaurant was homely and the company excellent.

My package of bits and pieces which will allow me to connect three devices to my older flat screen TV arrived yesterday from China. As I have said in an earlier post a DVI to HDMI converter costs $18 at the local electrical parts store while one from China costs $4. I received and set up my HDMI switcher on Friday so I can now connect three electrical devices to the TV with the best possible connection method and switch between them using my remote control.

The three devices to be connected via the HDMI Switch will be a HD Set Top Box, the WD TV Media Player (used for playing downloaded movies) and Pay-TV. Our Pay TV provider is releasing an updated High Definition box in the next week or so and when we have a new one installed it will have a HDMI connection. We should have the new Pay-TV box installed before Christmas. The HDMI Switch came with its own remote control which worked spasmodically. It has three buttons, one for each HDMI input. We use an all in one remote control (Logitech Harmony 880) which allowed me to 'teach' it the three signals for each HDMI input and it works perfectly. You can see the installed HDMI Switch in the photo above left.

Modern TV's have up to 4 HDMI inputs built in. Our older set only has one DVI input so I needed to purchase a couple of DVI to HDMI adapters as well as the HDMI switch.

I bought the stuff from DealExtreme. Its pricing is all in $US and the electrical plug connections are usually US. I have bought some cheap US to AU plug adapters. I was a bit peeved when this one turned up with a UK plug! It cost me $10 to buy a UK to AU converter from K-Mart which gobbled up some of my 'savings' I had made in buying overseas.

If I were doing it again I would probably buy the HDMI Switch via E-Bay as then the unit would come with an Aussie power plug.

Last night we watched Julie & Julia on the WD TV Media Player through the HDMI Switch connection. The picture quality was certainly improved on what we had previously experienced through the 'composite' (red, white and yellow connectors) connection.

I am very pleased with the way it has all worked out. I would have been disappointed though if I had had to use the supplied remote control!

Now I am off to clean the pool and get ready for today's Computer Club. Trish is spending much of the day at the Caloundra Arts and Craft Market helping out. She has handmade some Christmas decorations which are for sale. If she sells some that will be great, if she doesn't sell anything it doesn't matter!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Some Morning Showers

The weather radar was telling us that we should batten down the hatches Thursday afternoon and get ready for a storm. Large hail had been reported to the west of us and we could be in for a battering.

This morning there is less than 1mm of rain in the gauge, the weather seen in the map to the left continued to slide to the south of us in a n/w wind stream. It is raining as I type but nothing like the weather we were expecting. The photo below is taken from one of today's papers and shows the rain some people got overnight!

With the wet weather we aren't riding today which is good because I have had a sore throat for over a week now and probably need to get in to see a doctor about it.

We are still debating over what to do with the area where the palm was. The sticking point is to get rid of the soil. One of the bike riders Paul suggests we could get rid of it ourselves. With three of us it should only take a couple of hours. Paul has a kind of jack-hammer which would be extremely handy if we ran into any tough dirt to chip away. We would use Tony's trailer and have two wheel barrows going in tandem. The soil would be free to dump.

I think this is what we will most probably do. With three of us it shouldn't take much longer than a few hours to do. It saves about $300 off the cost of having colored patterned concrete laid.

We bought this 'Gecko' yesterday. Gecko's are small lizard animals (about 6 inches long) which live in the tropics. They are found in most people's homes up here and spend much of the day behind pictures or hiding from view. This one looks pretty good hanging on the back outside wall of the house.

I couldn't sleep last night because of my sore throat so I watched the end of the cricket on Pay-TV. Australia took 4 for 15 or so to snatch a highly improbable win at the end. I finished up getting to bed about 3:00 am!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

What Is Happening!

We are expecting 31 degrees today with a bit of a N/W wind blowing. The pool was OK this morning when I swam after a 13k bike ride and about 23.5 degrees. The pool usually warms up to about 26 degrees which is lovely for swimming. With a top of 31 today, the pool may be even warmer.

I have started getting quotes to have the area concreted where the palm was cleared. The one guy who gave me a quote didn't want the job. It is all to be done by hand and would be hard work removing the soil which is already there. It has fibrous palm roots in the ground and takes time and effort to dig out. Being a small job there is a minimum order for concrete so it is expensive too. The guy quoted me about $700 to do the 5 square metre concrete job.

An option may be for me to dig it out myself. I am sure the chiropractor would love me doing that. However at an hour a day over a week or so it could be done. I would borrow a trailer and leave it out the front. Half the soil to be removed would come out easily, it is the other half which is the problem!

The windscreen was replaced on Monday afternoon.

I have done heaps of work on the BeCA website. It is all finished now.

Yesterday saw the running of the Melbourne Cup. There was a local race meeting held on the same day here in Caloundra where over 9500 people attended. Tony and I rode our bikes down to the racecourse this morning where I took this photo of cars left at the racecourse overnight. I guess their drivers had too much to drink at yesterday's race meeting so they found an alternative way to get home. We saw several cars being driven away this morning when their owners had come back to retrieve them.

We are heading out for an evening meal with Paul, Linda and Tony tonight to a newly opened Thai Restaurant in Caloundra. Tony's wife Angela is still in Sydney catching up with family.

Trish flies down to Melbourne on November 22nd and returns here on December 8th.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Another Good Laugh!

This is definitely NOT true at our place. Hope you get a laugh from it too!

Monday, November 02, 2009

Heat Is On The Way

Another lovely sunny day with temps in the mid 20's. The pool was 23.5 today when I swam in it after the 11k bike ride at about 8:30 am. However on Wednesday it looks like getting to about 33 or so before there could be a thunderstorm. We are about to enter the thunderstorm season which runs from November through to mid December. The storms can be pretty wild when they really let themselves go. But we do need the rain badly!

A call today from the windscreen replacement people confirmed that our cracked windscreen is to be replaced this afternoon. The crack hasn't become any bigger but I reckon the crack only gets worse when the car is parked in the sun. I took this photo last night.

I contacted a couple of concreters this morning seeking quotes on having the new area done. One is due to pop around today and give me a quote!

We have a Bellvista Community Association meeting tonight at 7 pm. They are usually over by 8:30 so I will be home to watch Australia Vs India in a one-day cricket match later on.