Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Spring Cleaning

The last couple of days have been spring tidy up days. The fence at the end of the pool has been 'stained' again. It is a bit dark but at least it looks better now.

Our rear patio is surrounded by blinds. For 6 months of the year the blinds remain 'up'. During this time they build up some grease and grime as you can see from this photo. So each spring they need a good going over with the pressure hose. I need to do the blinds' outside, then inside and finally do the windows. It took quite a bit of time to get the blinds cleaned up on Monday but they looked great when finished. Only once did I do the windows first ... what a mistake that was!

I have been riding on my own this week. Tony's doctor has advised him to keep off the bike for a week to let his foot rest up. I managed to get a ride in on Monday and still have yet to be swooped by a magpie. It is a bit unnerving as you ride along and you get a glimpse of a moving shadow out of the corner of your eye and instinctively duck down!

Later on Monday I slipped in to Caloundra and helped a Computer Club Member with her computer. It seems to be running fine right now.

On Tuesday it was a splendid morning for a ride so I set off for Pumicestone Passage. It was like a millpond as you can see from this photo. The photo below looks across towards Caloundra where extensive renovations are going on to revamp the 'coastal walk'. A new board walk is being built including new BBQ facilities and a new fishing platform. It is expected to be finished well before the Christmas holidays.
Later Tuesday morning the spring cleaning continued. I did all the outside windows and some of the inside ones too. I was hot when I finished so I had a quick swim. The old pool thermometre had died so I found another one in the shed and put it to work. It was saying it was 20 degrees but it didn't quite feel like 20, usually 20 is way too cool for swimming.

Later on that day I had my eyes tested again. It is 5 years since I last had new glasses and I have been having a problem or two recently. The new specs should arrive in a week.

Another great ride this morning, it was just glorious again. The weather has been low teens overnight and low to mid 20's during the day. After getting home it was again bottle washing time, it looks like I will be bottling about Friday. With such a lovely sunny day the bottles will dry quickly in the afternoon sun. I have been doing my brewing stuff in our small garage recently and I think things work well there.

Today is the 7th anniversary of the day we moved into this house on the Sunshine Coast!

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