Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday Afternoon And NO Football!

It is Saturday afternoon and there isn't any footy to watch on TV. We are in the Finals and there are only two games on this weekend, one last night and the other is on tonight.

Friday was another day spent getting back in to the swing of things. I had downloaded a couple of movies overnight and these required 'processing'. It was then time to sort the pool out and this required a trip to the "Pool Shop" where they test the pool water for you and tell you what chemicals you need to get it back into tip top condition. Usually this is a $100 trip but I got out of it for $30. I was quite happy about that.

Later it was around to Tony's for the weekly "Bellvista Home Brew Appreciation Society" meeting. Paul is away so it was just Tony, me and the dog Max. Max enjoys a little home brew too! We tried a couple of each other's beers before being joined by Ed who is nearing 80 and has been brewing for years! Now he is getting on a bit it is down to 2 'tallies' per night. When Ed was younger it used to be 6! He only makes full strength stuff too.

This morning it was Computer Club again where I was able to help a few people out again.

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