Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fire Restrictions In Queensland

On Sunday afternoon Trish and I enjoyed a lovely BBQ with friends Tony and Angela as well as Paul and Linda. We had enough to drink, some lovely food and excellent company. Monday was spent with me having a good look around the Sunshine Coast Home Centre while Trish was off looking at material for hand made Christmas gifts. It was sunny and mid 20's both days. Tony was back on the bike again beginning Monday morning. It was good for me to have company again as we rode.

Today, Tuesday, saw a Total Fire Ban implemented for South East Queensland. There were strong northerly winds and the temp was up to 29 degrees by 11 am. As soon as the afternoon sea-breeze kicked in at about lunch time the temperature dropped back to about 26 and the humidity went up to 65% thus lessening any chance of a fire near where we live.

I haven't had any new glasses for about 5 years now. A trip to the optometrist last week said it was time for the old glasses to go and for me to update to some newer ones. "I can see clearly now." There is quite a change to the prescription and I have been advised it will take a few days for me to get used to them.

With the nice warm weather I spent about an hour in the pool this afternoon. According to the new thermometer the water temperature was a just under 26 but that may be a little warmer than it actually is. It was certainly warm enough for me to swim as you can see. I hope I am not 'red' from any sunburn tomorrow!

I had another swim earlier this morning when I returned from a 11k bike ride.

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