Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday News

The weather the last couple of days have given us a hint of the winter ahead. It has been cold, (low 20's), wet (18 mls over the last 36 hours) and overcast.

The house next door is for sale and has been empty now for almost 2 months. People wander through it from time to time but don't ever come back. When first built, the owners (pictured here at our place last night for dinner) kept all costs to a minimum. Therefore it only has a single garage, one bathroom (no ensuite) and three not over large bedrooms. It served their purpose as a first home purchase perfectly. However now the new owners are trying to sell it and are finding it doesn't have a very wide appeal. And they have $359,000 on it when the average price for a 4 bedroom, two bathroom and double garage house is $385,000.

A lady and her 10 year old daughter looked at the place on Friday and were back for a second look today. However I think she would be offering much less than the asking price!

It was good having former neighbours Andrew, Naomi and their two great kids Dylan and Emma over for a meal last night. We enjoyed a few drinks and Trish had a great time playing with the kids! Trish flies to Melbourne in about a fortnight to be with our daughter Kate who is due at the end of June. Kim is busy looking at an MX-5's as a new car (secondhand) and busily visiting car yards around Melbourne.

Though a gray morning this morning, the lake in the middle of the estate here was pleasant to be around.

I am hopeful we will have our VoIP phone service up and running sometime tomorrow. This allows us to make phone calls via the internet rather than via Telstra's telephone links. It will be interesting to see what the sound quality is like. These calls are much cheaper to make via VoIP than with Telstra. However if you have Dialler ID on your phone, the VoIP call will register as coming from a Melbourne (03) number!

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