Saturday, June 23, 2007

No Sun On The Sunshine Coast

We had a glorious day yesterday with a sunny 20 degrees or so. I managed to get a couple of loads of washing dried. This morning the cloud cover is back as are the winter woollies! It is almost 11:30 a.m. and the temperature is a miserable 14 degrees. It is cloudy and some rain is forecast. I took this photo of the view from our front door a few minutes ago.

This photo shows the electronic weather station which lives in the lounge. The 14.4 is the outside temp while the 17.7 is the indoors temp.

Caravanning friends Russell and Irene have arrived in Moree in New South Wales and they are enjoying an 8 degree mid morning. They expect to get back to their home in Victoria a few days earlier than they had expected.

I am just about ready to head south to catch up with the new grandson. I expect to get underway before dawn on Monday. Wet weather is forecast for early next week.

I am trying to brighten up the blog page a bit. I have done a lot of investigating without much luck. I did find the Sudoku widget you can now play. Have a try!

Let me know if the page is taking too long to load if you have dial-up.

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