Sunday, May 27, 2007

Local Overnight Showers.

Last night at about 7:30 pm we had a short sharp shower of rain lasting about 20 minutes. A quick check of the rain gauge showed we had received about 13 mls. During the night there was a long storm with thunder and lightning (so I am told by Trish as I slept through it all)!

This morning there was a total of 60 mls of rain in the gauge. Rain in this part of the world can be very localized. On the internet this morning I saw Maroochydore Airport (about 25 k's north of us) had recorded 13 mls of overnight rain while Brisbane had a mere 4 mls. I had spread some garden fertilizer around yesterday morning so it has been soaked in beautifully by the heavy rain.

Despite awaking to a bright sunny morning there was loose water lying everywhere so our daily bike ride went 'on hold'. Water was trickling across pathways or lying in pools making the spray from our tyres very uncomfortable.

More showers are predicted for the next few days. We have now had 135 mls of rain for May when the average is about 170 mls. Days remain quite sunny with today expected to get to about 24 degrees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just caught up with all your news and also to hear how Irene and Russell are doing on their trip up North. We spoke to them not long after they had left you and when they were with June and Keith who were on their way up to Townsville.
We had a letter from the council on friday as did most of the residents of Adelong Crt,informing us of a proposal to develop a Local Level BMX Dirt Facility at Warrawong Reserve directly opposite the 4 houses along our stretch of Adelong Crt not 50 yds from our gardens. Well you have never seen the like of the residents going in to battle. David rang the fellow whose name appeared on the letter. Then wrote a letter himself stating all the reasons why it shouldn't be there and went to see all the neighbours and got them to sign a petition. Consequently most of them have sent letters and emails to all the councillors and we have had replies from some and another came to visit us all this afternoon and is going in to bat for us.As you can imagine we are all outraged. It would ruin the outlook of our park and you know what young boys are like when they all get together.
love to you both and will keep you updated C and D