Monday, May 21, 2007

A Day At The Races

Trish has been keen to do something in the "Volunteer" area as a way to meet people and get involved with the local community.

She rang one of the local organisations and was told about an 'Expo' at the local race course for yesterday. We were sent a couple of free passes to get into the expo to have a look around. As it turned out the Volunteer Organisation was sponsoring the day's horse races and the 'Expo' was an extra event for the day.

Neither of us is really interested in horse racing but we had a great time. We only stayed for about 2 hours and watched 3 races. It is not expensive to get in and there are heaps of tables and chairs freely available to use. Other groups had brought there own platters of nibblies or cold meats and salads. There were a couple of bars and other eateries around. The weather was about 24 degrees so it was a glorious day to be at the races. Click on each of the photos for a larger view.

We enjoyed walking around and checking out the place and finding out what happens. As well as TAB facilities there were several bookmakers as well. I am sure these photos will show you how pleasant the day was.

As we had driven there it was wise of us to head home early. The several 'schooners' I had enjoyed were very 'moreish' and Trish enjoyed her wine and later a Bundaberg rum! The sight of a jockey with the surname Thomas was too much of coincidence so I just had to have a bet. It ran third so I got all my money back (and a little bit extra)!

The 'Expo' provided some information but it was not exactly what we were after. Trish has a few ideas and I am thinking of attending the local "Computer Club" and see what happens there!

We have several heavy showers moving through today. The sky is very dark and we must be getting close to 10mls of rain giving the garden a good water. It looks like Brisbane has missed out on any rain again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to checking out the races when I'm up there in Nov Dad. It actually looks really nice. Save your pennies for the betting bonanza or if Mum and I do anything like the time at the TAB we might make a profit or at least have the TAB pay for our prawns and champagne! Kim