Thursday, May 10, 2007

Growing Season

About a month ago I had a photo on the blog page of a new shoot just starting to grow on one of the pot plants around the pool. Well it has received a little feed and it has been watered pretty regularly. The photo to the left is the photo from back then! You may need to click on it for a better view. The new growth was quite small at that stage and you may not even spot the new bud!.

The photo below was taken a couple of days ago. It has really grown in the last month!! And what was a just a bud back then is now a 8 cm new shoot. Again, click on the photo for a larger view.

Friends from Drouin in Victoria (Irene and Russell Dawson) have arrived here with their caravan. They are happily set up a local caravan park beside the beach. Trish arrived back from Melbourne yesterday (with a camera full of grandchildren snaps and movie files) and it wasn't long till we were all enjoying each other's company and a few drinks. After a meal at the local Thai Restaurant it was to the RSL we headed and enjoyed a guy who did lots of Roy Orbison songs. He was quite good actually. We all enjoyed ourselves very much.

Russ and Irene expect to be here for at least a week.

I have altered the blog page setup to now only show the latest three entries. It seemed to take ages to load when I had the Blogger settings to show 5 posts as the blog page was opened!

And it seems my new router modem has a fault and needs to be returned to the manufacturer for warranty reasons. It would not save some of the settings which would ensure the wireless signals were secure and would not be received by people outside the network.