Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Tuesday, Our Trip Is Rapidly Coming To An End!

On Monday evening we walked the streets around the hotel  for a better look at everyday affairs in downtown Dubai.  The neon sign said it was 35 degrees at 5pm.

We adjourned back to the hotel for a cool off after an hour, it was just too hot to walk around as we had planned!

After cooling off in our hotel room we ventured back out again at around 7pm to where we had eaten the night before, a small Cafeteria it was called where we sat on the street and ate. See the photo above.

We had Chicken Fried Rice and half a roast chicken.

The Roast Chicken came with a small salad, a couple of dips and about 6 pieces of 'bread' while the chicken fried rice was just that.  I had a couple of cans of Coke while Trish had a huge glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with ice.  The Homus was amazing, so tasty and just a hint of spiciness.

Neither of us have been eating a lot lately so there was way too much food.  But we ate a bit more than we usually do.  The bill was $14!

As it was still hot we hit one of the nearby "Hyperstores" which is open 24 hours a day to cool off a little.  I saw TV brands I never knew existed and heaps of extremely well priced pieces of clothing and home utensils.  Trish bought some smart summer shoes for $15 and she is very happy with them.

Today we still aren't sure what we will do.  We had considered a Big Bus Tour at around $160 for the pair of us.  Instead we may go out later to the famous Dubai foreshore area and then back to the Dubai Mall for the after dark colored fountains.  We feel that taxi may be our best method of transport today.

We will see.

My hearing doesn't appear to be much better this morning and tummy queasiness is still affecting Trish.

We expect to depart our hotel at 7 am tomorrow morning, Wednesday.  Our plane is due to fly out at 10:30 am Dubai time, 4:30pm Queensland time.  We get to Brisbane around midnight Dubai time, 6 am Thursday Queensland time.

This may well be the last post from overseas.

We are both looking forward to getting home, after all 2 months away is a long, long time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks like you guys had a great time, if you need to cool off call into Melbourne on ya way home, Bloody Freezing here.
