Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Time To Move

Our new email address in a few weeks will be thomas4551@bigpond.com and thomfam90@internode.on.net will cease to exist!  Currently both our phone line and internet connection are with Internode.

So after 6 months of a poor internet service I have just got off a 'chat' and have arranged a move from our previous ISP to Bigpond.  Bigpond is the major internet supplier in Australia and own ALL the equipment that I use to connect to the internet here on this estate.

So my previous internet supplier sub-let their connection from Bigpond.  Whenever I had a problem, they would have to go cap in hand to Bigpond to carry out the repair.

Regretfully the new internet service won't be anywhere near as good as what Kate and Arj get in Saudi Arabia.

We are actually going to be on a better deal than currently as once everything goes through, we will have 'free calls' on our landline.  Right now we don't use the landline at all for any outgoing calls, we use our 'mobiles' instead.

This isn't a deal breaker, but is handy to have.  Otherwise charges are exactly the same as we currently have.

It takes up to three weeks for the porting of the phone over to Telstra (Bigpond) and another week for the Bigpond ADSL connection to go through.  I would suggest those are maximum times and we could expect things to happen a little more quickly than that!

Telstra is the major supplier of telephony services in Australia, Bigpond is their internet section!

EDIT:  My speed has been returned to me.  Messages I left for the person looking after my 'case' at Internode failed to get through to her.  Therefore she was unaware of my problems.

My move to Bigpond cannot be altered now, I am obligated for 24 months.

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