Monday, March 02, 2015


We are supposed to be into Autumn right now but the temperatures here don't reflect that at all.  At one stage today was going to be 32 but that has been dropped back to 28 or so now.  Here it will be likely to get to 30.  A 32º is predicted later in the week.  The pool was a whisker below 28º for my post bike ride swim this morning.

I had my first bike ride for a week this morning.  The heavy head cold has knocked me about a little and I haven't felt up to it.  Yesterday I decided to bottle the latest brew so I did that.  I didn't feel like bike riding after doing that, I am just not quite 100% right at the moment.

I managed Computer Club on Saturday morning but left early because there was what turned out to be fantastic cricket match on TV.  And we have had plenty of pre season footy as well as the cricket on TV.

I gave the lawn a quick mow as well.

We have been considering what to do with this office.  The 3 piece office set goes off special this weekend so we need to decide.  We think we will go with it at this stage.  Most likely the bookcase will finish up in the bedroom and the el cheapo bookcase we have in there will be moved on.

I will put up some 'off wall' shelving above where the PC will be for things such as PC speakers, pens, scissors, glues, spare batteries etc. This means we only need to put up exactly what we need.  The shelving can be swapped around to any desirable setup as well.

We will need to order the three piece office package this week though.

Trish and a few of the ladies from Stitchers are off to a holiday place one of them owns on Lake Cootharaba around 50k's from here, just north of Noosa.  They will have a ball.  They get on well and will have lots of fun. The photo above gives you an idea of what a pretty place this is.

I have a BeCA Public Meeting to chair tonight.

1 comment:

Lou Ann said...

We have had 72 straight hours of below freezing temperatures. The roads and our driveway have been like ice skating rinks. We have spent three days inside the house - eating- and watching TV and reading. Church was even canceled today as it has been next to impossible to drive in our area. Just thought I would give you a view of the flip side of your place. Always reading your blog. Lou Ann