Sunday, March 08, 2015

The Conversion Begins!

We are still married, though perhaps not quite as happily as before we put together this filing cabinet.

The instructions were OK but as with many of these flat packs, the wording and illustrations were ambiguous in places.

The instructions said two people and would take an hour to complete the construction.  It took us closer to two hours I guess but we didn't rush.

We are fairly happy with the outcome.

The other large package still to put together is a book case but that may wait a day or so before we tackle it!

Today we removed most of the stuff from the shelving from the hutch above where the PC sits.  Some of the stuff has been stored away in boxes and will come out again for the final office update when it will go on shelving still to be installed above where the PC will then go.

The remainder is either in the rubbish bin or stacked in the boot of the car ready as a donation to the Salvos or St Vinnies.

Tomorrow the top or 'hutch' will be removed and placed somewhere outside for a final pulling apart.  A local Bellvista organisation has a "Community Trailer" for free use.  I will grab it, load it up with the old office table along with some other rubbish we have been wanting to get rid of for some time and all will be taken to the tip.

All offers for the table I have made to neighbours and friends has been greeted with a polite 'No Thanks!"

I did my ride as per usual this morning and enjoyed a dip in the pool afterwards.  It was a little under 27ยบ in the water.  Yesterday felt quite hot to us.  Neither of us were moving at full speed but we did have a great night at a local Chinese Restaurant with friends on Friday night. The few drinks went down well too.

Plenty of sport is on TV today so that will most likely finish the day off nicely!

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