Friday, March 06, 2015

End Of The Week

We are recovering from a record breaking day yesterday as far as the temperature was concerned.  We had our hottest day on record for March.  Figures have only been kept for a little over 20 years so it may not be that earth shattering.  But 36º in March is quite warm!  The pool received a couple of workouts as you can imagine.

A blustery windy change around 1am this morning signalled the end of the hot temperatures.

Trish is back safely from her two nights away with girl friends from Stitchers.  She didn't bring any left over wine back home with her but that wasn't a huge surprise.  They had a great time, just lounging about doing stuff and chatting away.

My internet dropped out again even with the new router and it took around 90 minutes to get it 'back' on Tuesday.  According to my supplier, the problem is either in my home or at the RIM (the local connection point).  Our RIM is most likely the only one which hasn't been upgraded here on this estate, all the others out here have.

I took some steps to have our home phone connections checked.  The guy I rang wasn't keen to come and do anything but he will come Monday if really required.  He asked me to disconnect everything from the line except my Internet Connection.  So there are no filters, no phones, just my internet plugged directly into the phone point. I was to leave it like this for a couple of days and that time is just about up now as I type.

I have also put the modem setting back to "Auto", a less stable setting.  I am just waiting for a call back from my internet supplier now to see if their records indicate any dropouts in the previous 48 hours.

I have collected two of the three pieces which make up the Office Furniture we have ordered.  The 'flat-pack' boxes are in the dining area (see photo above) awaiting screwdrivers and careful instruction reading.  When I ordered it on Tuesday I was told most pieces were near at hand, but they would just have to get the table in from another store and that may be up to two weeks away.

The other big news is that our Visa Applications to travel to Saudi Arabia have been sent off.  Saudi Arabia is one of the most difficult places to get a visa for.  You virtually have to be invited by someone who lives there before you can even apply.  We had to have our plane seats booked as well.  But all has been done, heaps of forms from Kate have been emailed through as well as originals of Kate's marriage certificate etc have been required!

We should get the completed visas back in a a couple of weeks.

And it was Trish's birthday on Thursday.  She has had her Samsung Tablet for a few weeks now so there wasn't a big present for her.  We tend to do things that way nowadays.

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