Thursday, February 26, 2015

Recovery Mode

It is Thursday and I remain in recovery mode.  No not recovering from my 'procedure' on Tuesday, but from a severe head cold which struck suddenly on Tuesday evening.

I had not really been feeling 100% the day or so before.  I thought it was a few nerves relating to the upcoming Top n' Tail on Tuesday or the 'prep' I had to undertake on Monday.

As it turns out it was more likely to be prior to the onset of this extremely heavy head cold which started with a sneezing bout on Tuesday evening.  From there it rapidly developed into all sorts of heavy head cold unpleasantnesses.  The extreme runny nose, the constant blockage and heaviness of the chest and head and the overall unpleasantness of just not being well.

The night's sleep Tuesday into Wednesday was minimal and I awoke to a pile of tissues beside the bed.  The nose was responding as if it were a tap, my eyes would be watery and a nasty shade of red.  The tissue box remained a constant companion throughout the day.

I had a couple of "Cold Tablets" left and these did at least give me a few hours relief from the very worst of my symptoms.  I first thought it was Hay Fever so first thing Wednesday I wandered into the Chemist for some anti-histamines.   However I now realize that is more likely an extremely heavy head cold.

I managed a full night's sleep overnight Wednesday into today and feel much better for that.

So I now have Thursday before me.  A full morning at least it will be.  My modem/router is ready to be collected following its replacement, I purchased a 32GB memory stick online using the $20 'gift card' we received when purchasing Trish's new tablet last week.  Finally we are going to check out various furniture shops around the area to see what is available in the way of a replacement computer desk somewhere down the track.

My tissue box will continue to accompany me throughout the day!

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