Friday, February 06, 2015

Another Day, Another Brew, Another Website!

My personal body is now worth almost $3,000 more.  Yes, that is correct, I had the new crown fitted to my tooth yesterday morning!  I now 'should' be able to eat a little more easily and comfortably.  Comfortably in as much as won't necessarily require a toothpick or floss after eating a piece of steak!

And that will be a new experience for me!

The Community Association's 'new' website has gone 'live' and I have been on an incredibly high learning curve the last few days.  I think I have a handle on most areas of maintaining it now.  It is a little different to how the former site used to operate, a little simpler and much more automated.

It has to be a lot more 'automated' as the website is mobile device friendly and to ensure it operates effectively on android or IOS devices with smaller screens it needs to be a little different to your everyday on a computer type website.  So now there is basically only one way to add a photograph. This isn't a bad thing.

And a new brew has just gone on as well.  This one is a plain 'lager' and should be ready to bottle in a week. see the photo above left.

We continue to battle on with our one older modem/router until the other one is replaced by the manufacturer.  It is working around 80% and requires a reboot several times a day to re establish connection with the printer and the media player.  The reboot only takes a couple of minutes so it isn't a huge distraction.

We have just received notice from our PayTV operator saying they will now be delivering a telephone and broadband internet service as well.  I currently pay $80 for phone line rental and 100GB download.  Foxtel (the paytv provider) will give us 200GB download, phone line rental including free calls to local and national fixed line telephones all for the same $80.

We will most likely be moving over to them mid year after we return from our trip overseas.

Our overseas trip is now around 8 weeks away.  We fly to Spain for a 9 day bus tour finishing up travelling by fast train from Madrid to Barcelona.  After a few nights in Barcelona we head off on a Mediterranean cruise.  Click HERE to see the places our 24 day cruise will be visiting.

We finish the cruise in Venice then fly to Dubai for a night before heading on to Jeddah and Kaust to spend two weeks with Arj, Kate and the kids.  A couple more nights in Dubai on the way home arriving back in Brisbane on or somewhere near June 6th.

I will miss around 8 rounds of the footy!

In Melbourne they are about to hit a mini heatwave.  As usual very hot northerly winds for them means cooler south easterlies for us.  Cooler isn't really too bad after recent weeks of stinking hot weather.  Last night we even slept under a sheet and without the fan whirring away!

We are getting high 20's most days, quite windy and intermittent, very short but heavy, showers of rain.  A dump of rain can last only a couple of minutes but sound deafening on our patio's tin roof!

The pool is back to around 26º again which means a great refreshing swim.  The weather should be similar for the next seven days or so.  We will surely enjoy the cooler weather!

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