Monday, February 02, 2015

A Sunny But Windy Monday

We have decided that we have had enough of "tennis".  There has been tennis available on TV daily from mid morning to midnight.  It has been great.  We can switch between the tennis, the cricket and on Saturday a great soccer match!  So it has been sport, sport and more sport!

And each day I acquire more and more stuff to watch from the internet but we will need to be quite discerning and carefully select what to watch.. The not so good stuff I have already downloaded then gets deleted!

The days have continued quite warm but nowhere near as hot as a week or so ago.  Most days are between 22 º in the morning and 30º during the afternoon before the sea breeze comes in.  Hopefully we will get some more welcome showers over the next day or so.

There is a degrading cyclone out in the Pacific Ocean.  For the next few days we will get some strong south easterly winds from what is left of this degrading cyclone.  These winds will bring us high waves, high tides, plenty of showers and coolish days. Hopefully the high seas won't wash away much of the sand from the surf beaches.

As you know I buy bits and pieces from overseas, mainly from China.  As nifty as some of these things are they are made to Chinese standards and not necessarily fully approved for use in Australia where the standards are usually somewhat higher.

The nifty switch I was using to restart the modem/router was one such piece of equipment.  As our area expands, new shops and shopping centres open.  One such new centre opened around 5k's from where we live.  With some spare time today we wandered over to check it out.  One such store there is a brand new Aldi Store.

They had these remote control power switches, 4 for $8.  Perfect I thought for the remote controlled light in the lounge room and I could put another on the modem/router.  They come with a remote control so I reckoned I could teach my Logitech Universal remote the signals and be able to control everything from the one device.

Regretfully the Logitech Universal remote works on IR signals (infra-red) while the Aldi remote control switches work on wireless signals.  You need to point an IR remote directly at the unit you want to control, i.e. your TV set.  Wireless remote controls work differently, you can be in one room and press "On" and the unit turns on in another room, you don't have to point the remote control directly at the device to control it!

But the button you can see in the photo above is a manual on/off button so it works just fine for me when just wanting to turn the modem/router on and off.

Being a new Aldi store there were still a few 'opening specials'.  We bought a reasonable paper cutter and a few other bits and pieces.

The Community Association website has been keeping me busy as well.  We applied for and were successful in gaining a $1000 grant which we used to upgrade our website.  Not only is it being upgraded but it is also going with a new host.  Over the weekend he transferred the whole website from the 'old' host and then re allocated the website address to the new server.

The next step is to replace the old website with the new one.  This should occur tomorrow or Wednesday. I have been on a severe learning curve the last few days.

There is a Community Association Management Committee meeting tonight as well. Then I have something on for most days for the rest of the week.  I will need to get a brew on soon as well!

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