Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hot, Hot, Hot!

If you watched any of the Test Cricket from Brisbane yesterday, you will know it was a very hot day for us here in SE Queensland.  Players were suffering from heat distress and leaving the ground for showers and treatment.  Our small house was locked up, windows closed and blinds drawn.  The temp was supposed to have reached 35º but that 'official' measurement occurs at Maroochydore Airport, 25k's from us and well within 1km of the beach where it would get the sea breeze earlier.

I would suggest it was most likely a couple of degrees warmer than 35º here yesterday

The sun was best described as 'fierce'.  You felt if you stood out in it for even a short time you would be sunburnt. After all at this time of the year the sun is almost directly over the Tropic of Capricorn which is around 500k's north of us.  So the sun is almost directly overhead here at this time of year.

But the weather was great to warm the pool water after the couple of unseasonably cool days we had recently.

On top of everything, it was quite humid too.  So Trish sat poolside for much of the day while I sat in front of the TV watching the cricket with the ceiling fan on "Hi" and the air-con on 27º.  With the ceiling fan going, 27º is a great temperature to set the air con to keep the room comfortable.

Needless to say, on days like yesterday the pool is a life saver.  I had at least four sessions by and/or in the pool.  The final session was from around 8:30pm to 9:30pm.  It was extremely pleasant and very comfortable!

I set out early on my bike ride today in some steamy conditions.  There was a light sea mist.  The photo above left doesn't show the mist as clearly as I had hoped. Click on it for a larger view.  But the trees in the distance give an indication of how steamy and misty it was during my bike ride this morning.

The electronic notice board outside the Private School here on our estate said the time was just after 7 am and the temperature was 27º!

Today is TV cricket watching in between trips to the pool in the backyard!  Trish will be planted beside the pool with a good book and her towel to dry off after her numerous swims across the day.  She may have a little shopping to do first, but the pool won't be far away at all.

They say it will be 33º today, which means it will be just a little warmer for us here.  We are around 3 to 4k's away from the beach which means any cooling influence from off the ocean takes just a little longer to get to us.

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