Friday, December 12, 2014

It's All Puff And Blow

The weather has been a major talking point in our part of the world.  With severe thunderstorms forecast for most afternoons and with some areas to the south receiving over 100mls, our little corner of the world has seen just 6 mls of rain!

The picture shows thunderstorms bearing down o Caloundra late yesterday (mid upper right) but from this system we received a mere three mls over two hours of ongoing drizzle.  Yet 30k's away and a little inland, they got well over 40mls.

The storms just died as they got closer to our coast.

In the meantime it has been hot and steamy with the pool being a popular spot.  We would grab several swims throughout the day and then a final swim just prior to retiring.

It has been warm overnight as well but the ceiling fans do a sensational job!

The helicopter issue in the skies above our homes has raised its head again.  Our local Council is just like any other government bureaucracy.  It has taken almost 2 months to get a couple of signatures onto an agreement before passing it along to the local developer for the final signature.  The developer signed and passed on the agreement within 36 hours.

Now it is Council's role to "implement" the agreement so helicopters will now do the vast majority of their touch n go's during pilot training well away from any residential area.

It seems that to help the Council get its act into gear, the local pilot training company decided to give our area another 'burst' of unwanted noisy helicopter touch n go activity. At times we have had two very large helicopters doing touch n go's for over an hour.

My broken filling now has a temporary crown on it.  I spent 90 very unpleasant minutes in the dentist's chair yesterday morning (Thurs) having the temporary crown fitted.  Needless to say the bill (of which less than 50% is covered by insurance) gets into the "Thousands" of dollars area!

I should have become a dentist!

The local Community Association has been successful in its submission for a $1000 Community grant.  The money will be put toward rebuilding the BeCA website which has become a little 'tired' over the last 4 or 5 years.

We are well into end of year Christmas parties.  Trish's main group had a huge luncheon recently which she mainly organised.  They had over 70 in attendance and it all went off perfectly.  The second group of which she is a mere 'member' is having a Christmas gathering today.

Computer Club has its Christmas goodies tomorrow.

I Monday I reformatted the neighbour's PC and it is running OK for them.  And yesterday I bottled the latest brew.  It took a couple of days before the brew began to work.  This is not a good sign!  However it was ready to bottle yesterday which is around a day behind schedule.  I bottled it in the garage when the temperature was 33º and the humidity was around 71%.  I needed a dry set of clothes after I finished.

The cricket Test match between Australia and India continues on TV today.  Before that I must pop into town for more home brew supplies.

The 'old' car we brought back from Melbourne lost the radio, dash clock and a red hazard light remained on.  It turned out to be the electric radio aerial was shorting out and needed to be replaced.  That was done yesterday along with a replacement 'alternator' belt.  The new alternator belt will make the neighbours happy as the car would let out a scream when first started each day.  It now runs very quietly!

The total cost was just over $100 and included a new alternator belt and a new aerial.  This cost fitted in with the sort of money we were looking to spend.  The quote was done at no charge by a local Auto Elec.  I cancelled the mobile guy who wanted around $50 just to look at it.

Finally, last night we watched the movie "Gone Girl" and we both have agreed that the female lead is not a very nice lady at all!  There are heaps of twists and turns!  It was very enjoyable to watch!

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