Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

Today is around 30º, hardly a cloud in the sky and the pool is at a very similar temperature.  I am full to "Pussy's Bow" with roast pork, ham, smoked salmon, prawns and a couple of salads.  I have enjoyed several home brewed English Bitters, Australian Blondes with Lime and Australian Blonde lager.  Right now I an slowing down a tad and enjoying a 'home made' Sambucca.

The pool has been wonderful throughout the day and we have enjoyed several swims throughout the day.

Trish got a watch, perfume and a travel toiletries bag for Christmas while I got a "Fogless Shaving Mirror."  I have ordered a new phone too, all of $110 worth!

Kim received a new watch too.

We have spoken with Kate Arj and the family in a hotel in Dubai just before they head off for a Christmas Lunch with relatives of Arj.  Arj has relatives all over the place.

We had quite a long call with Chris and the two grand children down in Melbourne as well.

So now it is off to sleep off a huge meal!  Or take it easy anyway!

Merry Christmas to all.

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