Saturday, December 06, 2014


It is heading towards 7 am and I have Computer Club later on this morning. The final Computer Club meeting for 2014 is next Saturday Dec 14th.

The Community Association has kept me most busy the last day or so. There has been an issue with the local airport and I did an interview for TV and the local newspaper on it.  However the whole thing was to stir the local Council into getting itself into gear and finalizing an initiative to remove many of the helicopter circuits from above our homes.

The TV interview didn't even make the News broadcast!

The local MP had a Media release which said as far as he was concerned all the State Government work had been done, the final stage was now up to Council!  And that was almost two months ago! Hopefully the press release will ensure Council signs off on the deal and it is all done and dusted!

The weather has been warm and humid.  Today it should culminate in steady rain and continue as afternoon storms for the next week or so. The pool does need a top up so the rain (if it comes) should be just in time. The photo taken just now shows the overcast sky.  Click on the photo for a larger view.

It can be quite hot inside the house but when we venture to sit under the pergola out there it is just delightful.  The breeze seems to always be cooler and it is just the perfect spot to sit, read, consume and have a swim as required!

It isn't the most elegant of structures but it "works" perfectly! The new 'sun lounge' isn't half bad either!

The latest brew I put on on Wednesday seemed to take an eternity to start bubbling away.  The bubbling usually happens a few hours after putting the brew on.  But this latest brew took a good 36 hours before it launched into action.  Hopefully it will be OK when I bottle it a couple of weeks before Christmas..

The temporary filling I had the other week has collapsed!  I was eating a few potato crisps with an ale yesterday and suddenly found 'lumps' in what I was eating.  I rang the dentist but was told not to worry and as long as I wasn't in any discomfort and come in for my scheduled appointment on 8:00 am Thursday morning.

Hopefully the predicted rain comes sometime today and we get a good soaking!

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