Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Summer With A Rumble!

Summer has arrived here on the Sunshine Coast!  The pool will again be the focus of much of our day to day activity.  This morning as I rode by the Private School here on the estate, the neon notice board at the front said 7:10 am, 27º!

The hottest part of the day here is usually late morning.  Around lunch time the cooler sea-breeze makes its way in and the temperature stabilizes or drops several degrees.  The last few days we have had a strong northerly blowing in from central Queensland.

The northerly breeze was so strong yesterday the cooler sea-breeze couldn't arrive until around 2 pm.  This gave us an extra 2 hours of heating up.   So it was around 36º when eventually the sea-breeze arrived!

The rumble in the title was for the thunder storms which amounted to nothing for us last evening.  We had the lighting and the rumble of thunder but this morning there was a paltry 1ml in the gauge.  That 1ml did bring our rainfall total so far for 2014 to 1000mls, or 40" in the old language!  In this part of the world we can usually expect over 1500mls p.a. or a little over 60" each year.

More thunderstorms are predicted for later on today, and are most likely to happen around the Sunshine Coast area.

Yesterday we had decided on a return trip to Costco around 40 minutes south of us.  We had emptied the freezer section of both fridges so we were prepared for the shop.  Things were a little cheaper but we expect the quality to be top-notch.  In this part of Australia we find the meat nowhere near as good as what we had when in Melbourne.  So if we can get good meat from Costco it will be worth the monthly 'safari' down there.

As we were driving home, the outside temperature was reading 39º!  Costco is that little bit inland away from the sea so that area doesn't get much of the tempering sea winds.

To the west of Brisbane in the city centre of Ipswich it was almost 42º yesterday!

Last night we watched a movie called "Frailty".  It is an older movie and one I had never heard of before!  If you get the chance have a look at it.  It was in the best Alfred Hitchcock suspenseful style!

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