Friday, October 03, 2014

End Of The Week

It is early Friday afternoon and the chores for today have been done. It is around 26º in our small protected from the wind backyard.  The pool is a little over 22º but then it has had the sun on it for a few hours now.

We have just come in from eating our rolls for lunch out under the pergola.  As you can see from the photo, there isn't a cloud in the sky and there is a stiff breeze blowing from the north-east which is our summer time cooling sea breeze here.

On Thursday we again caught up with friends Ian and Kerrie and went out for lunch.  This time we chose the Dicky Beach Surf Club.  The meal there is quite OK but you can always get a good car park and they don't go over the top when charging for drinks.  $4-80 for a schooner of VB is an OK price.  The weather was a little cooler than today but we had a great time, sitting back relaxing and having a cool drink and a chat.

Kerrie and Ian have just sold their house here in Bellvista and have moved to a nearby suburb.  Their Bellvista house was right under the flight path for the east-west runway.  They bought it off the internet not knowing the airport was there.

That is one area of Bellvista we would not have bought in.  I don't think they got as much for the sale as they were hoping for either.

With a lovely sunny day today I decided to get on with my bottling and by 9:45 am I had completed a 12.5km bike ride, bottled my beer and cleaned up afterwards!

Each year I give the blinds around the back of our house a really good clean.  And that is what I did today.  I soap them down, give them a good scrub with a broom and finally use a power hose to clean them off.  I do this for both sides of each blind.

It is a job which needs to be done before I can get to cleaning the windows.  And the windows will now be done sometime next week.

After all of that I have built up a bit of a thirst and luckily we have drinks on this afternoon!

Click on the photos for a larger view.

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