Wednesday, October 15, 2014


There hasn't been a lot to write about, just the usual stuff.  But I guess those readers of my blog who suffer from insomnia, a new post is a welcome further treatment for their disease!

Since I last put up a 'real' post we have had Computer Club which was the same old same old!  Not a lot of new stuff.  Most problems people had I could fix but there were some which I wasn't able to help.

There has been cricket almost daily on the TV which is all I need.  Though my state "Victoria" hasn't been doing too well, my now home state has been going OK.  There has been lots of attractive big hitting and it has been enjoyable to watch.

Yesterday (Tuesday) we completed our application for our passports and we are beginning to 'book' aspects of the trip to Saudi Arabia via Spain and the Mediterranean Sea in April next year.

Trish had us down for a 9 day tour of Spain leaving Madrid and finishing in Barcelona where we are due to board for a 24 night Mediterranean Cruise.  If you paid for your "Trafalgar Tour" by a certain time you got a 10% discount.  But as the Trafalgar Tour has been so solidly booked, that discount offer has now been withdrawn.

However for an extra $200 pp we can do virtually the same tour with "Insight Tours" which are a step up from Trafalgar.  You get better buses, better accommodation and few extra goodies.

The Insight Tours trip goes from Barcelona to Madrid, the other way around to the Trafalgar Tour.  This means we now would fly Brisbane to Barcelona and in turn this now means we fly out of Brisbane at 9:30 pm rather than 2:30 am.

So as you see it is all swings and roundabouts.  Though a little more expensive, we would now fly at more reasonable times.

My dog bite has healed OK and I had myself a Tetanus shot on Monday.  I needed a tetanus update before our trip next year so this fitted in OK.  The neighbour's aggressive dog still runs aggressively up to the fence as I wheel my bike down the sideway for my daily bike ride.

I had a ring from Council regarding the attack.  It was just a follow up call but they wanted to know if the dog may have been protecting the neighbour's kids as I rode by.

The neighbour wants me to toss some food over the fence to the dog so it sees me as a food source rather than a threat.  Having been involved with education for 40 years I don't quite see it that way.

The dog rushes aggressively up to the fence as I walk by.  I toss a couple of doggie treats over the fence to placate it.  The dog eats the doggie treats. In its mind, the dog rushes up to the fence in an aggressive way and it then gets two doggie treats tossed over the fence. So if it wants the doggie treats it rushes aggressively at the fence and then gets fed.

This seems to be rewarding inappropriate behaviour to me and actually training the dog to be aggressive!  But what would I know, in the neighbour's eyes I remain a silly old fart that his dog loves to be aggressive to and attack!

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