Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mid Week

An area around 50k's north of us was the only spot to get any reasonable rain from the storms predicted for last night.  We got nothing at all here.  But a cooler change rocked through in mid afternoon dropping the temperature from a steamy and hot 34º or so back to a more pleasant 28º.  The pool peaked out at around 26º or so yesterday afternoon.

It was extremely pleasant lying back in the pool on a lounge relaxing and enjoying a cool beverage yesterday late in the afternoon.  I reckon I spent the best part of an hour just sitting there and enjoying the place.

Last night we had some of the trout Trish had bought at Costco.  They were great sized fish and very nice indeed.  20 minutes in the BBQ with the lid down and around 200º and they were perfect.

This morning I was meant to be heading around to a mate's place to do some computer stuff.  He needed a few adjustments made before friends arrived flying up from Sydney.  They were due at 1:30pm so that meant we had until around midday to get stuff done.

Not only was the flight arrival brought forward by 30 minutes but there hadn't been any calculation for Daylight Saving either!  So the original 1:30pm arrival finished up being midday!  And you really need the best part of an hour to get to Maroochydore airport from here!

So the computer update was put on hold.  This now allowed me time for my bike ride and time to get a bottle washing done!

However the bike ride went on hold owing to a puncture in the back tyre.  And my tyre repair kit had run out of glue!

So the bottle washing was done and is now out of the way!

The local supermarket eventually came to the rescue re the glue, the puncture was repaired and the bike ride completed by around 10:30.  The pool was around 26.5º by the time I got back from the ride.  That was a pretty nice swim this morning I tell you!

8 of us are heading back to the "Drift Bar" again this evening.  It is around 30º today so it should be just gorgeous there later today.  There are $4 beers from 4 pm to 6pm, then a "Parmy and Pot of Beer" special deal for $15 to follow.

It should be extremely pleasant sitting in an outdoor setting as the sun goes down over Bulcock Beach with the evening temperature around 25º or so!

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