Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Feel Like Doing Things

There is a hint of spring in the air up this way.  We haven't had any rain for around three weeks and July's rainfall total is around 70mls, still 20 down on the average.  So there is that feel of spring with all the sunshine, the clear skies but nippy mornings.  I even did over 13k's on the bike this morning.

The slightly longer than usual ride was probably a form of penance for over indulgence last night.  We visited the local Indian restaurant where we had a discount voucher so at $25 a double it was a cheap night out.  The food was fine, the company outstanding but this morning is less than brilliant.

With the weather the way it is I decided to wash the car on Monday.  We don't wash the car as often as we should so it was a huge job.  The windows etc haven't been done for months.  I reckon it goes 5kph faster now.  The lawn was mown yesterday, the first time for around a month.

I have continued to do fine tuning on backing up my files from my computer onto hard disk drives I have. It is all working out OK.  I even popped into the nearby "Pool Supplies" shop and bought a new filter cartridge for the pool filter.  You should change them every 4 years so I reckon it was due for a change after 7 years!

I also purchased and set up a media player for friends Russell and Irene who we expect to see on Monday for a couple of days.  That is now all done and ready to go.  I also did one for a friend of Trish's.  However she doesn't have access to a local area wireless network.  That is a where you have a modem/router in your home with wireless capabilities.  The latest WDTV Streaming Media Players can connect to the internet via a home wireless network.  They automatically update the firmware and you can adjust the look of the unit or better know as the "Theme" all done via the internet and online.

Russ has a wireless network at his place in Victoria which I will set up for him when we are in Melbourne in a few weeks time.

Trish is at Stitchers this morning while I will have a quiet day around the PC ....... for a change.  I might even grab a quiet hour or two in the back corner in the sunshine.

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