Sunday, August 05, 2012

23 Degrees and Sensational

Despite being a chilly 3 or 4 degrees this morning, just before lunchtime we have a gorgeous still and warm day.  The back corner is around 26 degrees.  Trish just gave me a quick haircut up in the same corner of the yard and I almost fell asleep enjoying the warmth.  Even the front and back doors are wide open to let the warm air in.

It would be a great day for bottle washing!  I put a brew on Saturday after I arrived home from Computer Club.  It usually takes around 6 days to brew so that would mean I would be bottle washing and bottling late next week which fits in nicely for what we have planned.

The footy match on TV Friday night was just amazing.  As usual (and totally unexpected I must add) my team won by 2 points with an after the siren kick for goal.  I was ecstatic, Trish wasn't as it was her team on the end of the stick .... again!

Drinks earlier Friday had been great as usual.  Computer Club on Saturday morning was pleasant.  I managed to solve most problems except for one lady who was trying to reinstall Internet Explorer.  It 'appears' she has (or has had) Internet Explorer Beta 9 on her computer.  In a fit of anger she uninstalled it.  But there is still some parts of it still there and it turns out that beta versions of Internet Explorer cannot be updated! It must be totally uninstalled first! I reckon I will need to have another look next Saturday for the bits which still require uninstalling.

We are toying with the idea of doing something more with the backyard.  The palms have grown too large and look beyond their Use By Date!  We will have them removed in a few weeks.  We both think the best idea is to totally remove the small garden there and concrete it all.  We can get short of space in the yard and this would give is a lot more usable room.

I think we will get some quotes on some concreting!

Good friends Russell and Irene are due tomorrow morning to which we are looking forward to very much.

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