Friday, August 03, 2012

4 Degrees This Morning!

Whoever said it doesn't get cold on the Sunshine Coast has never been here.  Consecutive cold mornings has reminded everyone in this part of the world just how cool it can be.  The good thing is that as the sun rises, so too does the temperature.  The wind chill factor when riding the bike on these chilly mornings isn't any fun!

And the weather is about the only interesting thing which has happened around here in the last few days.

Our PayTV has been taken over by Foxtel.  Since the takeover we have lost our $15 discount as a 'loyalty reward' provided by the former owner.  I rang the new supplier this morning asking what could they do for us.  We now get a $20 discount (around 25%) but we are locked into a 6 month contract.  That isn't a worry for me!

The Olympics coverage on PayTV is excellent with great high definition pictures.  We get the AFL as well via PayTV.

Trish is at Quilter's this morning and I am recently back from helping an elderly neighbour out with adding attachments to emails.  Other neighbours across the road are looking at restructuring their Phone and Internet setups.  They call the UK several times a month to speak with relatives back there.  I spent a little time explaining "Phone Cards" to him yesterday so he is going to give that a try.

Drinks as per usual this afternoon and then my team plays Trish's team on TV tonight.  We have won the last eight matches but I think we are in a bit of trouble tonight.  Geelong has a quite a few new young inexperienced players nowadays so they aren't the potent force they once were.

Our last rain was three weeks ago so the pots in the backyard were watered yesterday.  We have friends Irene and Russell coming on Monday for a couple of nights.  It is also the AGM for the Community Association.  I am an apology for that meeting on Monday.

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