Friday, August 24, 2012

Pool Filter Working Overtime

The backyard has changed incredibly!  The removal of the two palms yesterday reminded me of someone losing their two front teeth, such is the large gap in our yard from where the trees used to be.

Forecast storms early today would have been the first rain we have had for around 5 weeks.  The rain did not come, but we do have warm windy days (high 20's) overcast threatening skies and a dry change forecast for tomorrow.

So there is dust aplenty from the work done yesterday along with the new housing development only 200m away also giving us a fair serve of dust.  This means the pool certainly isn't looking its best.  After cleaning the pool yesterday I decided to clean out the filter. The water from the filter clean was black.  I gave the filter a double flush to get rid of as much dirt from it as possible.

Again this morning you could see even more dirt lying on the steps and the floor of the pool from even more dust settling.  I again vacuumed the pool today and again cleaned out the filter.  The water wasn't too clean at all from the filter cleaning, in fact I reckon I have top dressed the front lawn with all the dirt.  I clean the filter out the front so as the water finishes up on the lawn and isn't wasted down a drain!

It has been so dry I had to top the pool up again from the tap.

We have almost finished series 2 of Boardwalk Empire which has been taking up most of my TV viewing time.  After all my laboring yesterday the back is tender along with some sore leg muscles.  I am not used to all the hard physical work!

I did manage to bottle the latest brew this morning so at least my beer supplies are 'back to normal'.  The photo seen here shows the five polystyrene boxes I have for storing my beer.  Each box contains 21 bottles.  That doesn't include the 15 or so bottles in the cupboard nor the 9 cooling off in the fridge!

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