Friday, August 10, 2012

All Recovered Now

It took a day or two to recover from having good friends Russ and Irene visit us for a couple of days.  I didn't sleep well on the second evening they were here and I needed to drive them to Brisbane Airport the next morning.  But come today all is repaired and moving OK again.  I think Thursday may have been a 'lazy' day as well.

Thursday's glorious weather has been changed to a brisk cold day today, albeit with clear blue skies.  Yesterday it was still, a lovely blue sky and a glorious 27 or so in the backyard.  Meanwhile down south they are being buffeted by strong S/W winds and temperatures were struggling to get into double figures.  That cold wind has now found its way to S/E Queensland.

They are talking about 19 today but with the wind chill added it will feel like 12 degrees. I sure felt cold on my bike ride this morning.  I wore a T-Shirt, a long sleeved T-Shirt over that and then a 'wind' jacket over that.

Don't let the blue skies in the photo here fool you, it was very cold.

Click on the photo for a larger view

On Wednesday Trish had a bus trip booked for the ladies at Stitchers.  As the organiser she was heavily involved and went along.  It was pretty successful too I hear.  So Thursday was very quiet for her.  We aren't worrying about drinks this arvo, alcohol isn't high on the priority list even two days after our friends have left.

Yesterday was perfect for bottle washing and they all dried as expected in the warm sunshine.  Today was therefore a day for bottling.  This brew was a black ale which Russell enjoyed immensely while he was here.

Footy back on the TV tonight.  Injuries have knocked my team around this week and we have a second string lineup in.  I am not confident!

Computer Club tomorrow and the weather is expected to warm up over the next few days.  We expect to be in the mid 20's by Wednesday of next week.

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