Friday, July 13, 2012

What Is New Around The Thomas Household

Trish isn't moving too well at all, she is all clogged up with a head cold but is battling on.  She is at Quilters this morning but I had to convince her she should go.  I have a bit of a sniffle too, all following on from our recent visitors one of whom (James) had a heavy cold when he first arrived up here.

The weather is 'different'.  It is extremely humid but there is a lot of cloud and showers throughout the day.  Today 'everything' is wet!  Even under the pergola outside is wet despite no rain getting on it.

Yesterday was flat out around here.  I had the use of a small utility to pick up my TV which arrived in the shop on Wednesday.  The weather was looking ominous and I wasn't sure the ute (a small Proton Jiminy I think) would be big enough to carry the box.

It would have been a tight fit and I felt I was being silly rather than pay the delivery fee and have it delivered (which I did).

Then Terry the plumber turned up to fit both sets of taps, the hand basins in the en-suite and the bathroom.  He was having a problem with his laptop so I worked on that while he fitted the taps for us.  I got the laptop to work a little better and he is now able to get on the net.  The TV arrived just as he was leaving.

Terry stayed behind and helped us set it up.  Great having another pair of hands to help with lifting furniture and putting the TV together.  Everything seems to be OK but the problem I had feared with using headphones became a reality.  I have cut my losses and now have connected the headphones via the TV rather than the Amp.  The amp now will only be used for music and films which have great sound.  When the sound is like that, I don't wear my headphones anyway.

This morning I have been cutting up boxes and breaking polystyrene packaging into smaller pieces.  The cardboard (the box was 6' x 3') will go to the tip where I can dispose of it free as it is recycling.

We are in for cool and wet weather this afternoon and tomorrow.  It only got down to around 18 overnight but will be a cool 22 today.  Still with drinks this afternoon the weather won't be a problem.

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