Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some Cloud But No Rain

The bottles are washed and I have then bottled the brew.  I started soon after I got back from my ride this morning and finished by lunchtime.  In some cases it was quicker doing both stages together, I reckon I have saved around an hour.  In the middle of the two or three hours this morning, the bottles just need to 'sit' for an hour so the solution they have been washed in could do its job and sterilize.

Now everything has been cleaned and put away, the 32 bottles of newly brewed beer are stacked away where they will do their 'thing' and be very drinkable in around 4 weeks time.

I am pleased to report I believe the two hard drives are full of TV Shows and Movies.  They also have "Movie Sheets" for every episode.  Some didn't work perfectly but I just don't have the time nor the inclination to go back and manually edit them.

I even vacuumed the pool today.  Then I cleaned the filter.  I need to take the filter out and pressure clean it with the hose to wash out all the muck which has been collected.

Late yesterday afternoon Trish and I went back around to a mate's place to set him up with Usenet, a method of obtaining movies and TV Shows.  I also did a little maintenance on his PC.  I helped him setup his printer a week or so ago.  A meal at the Curry Bowl restaurant last night was excellent and that he paid for it was even better.

And it is rapidly approaching 4pm and time for a cleansing ale.  The fridge is well stacked.  Each bottle of beer costs less than 50c to make and tastes heaps better than the bought stuff.

When I buy a schooner of beer at the local Tavern for $4-60 I think I could make around 10 large bottles of my beer for that amount of money!

It is clouding over this afternoon but we expect little if any rain from it.  The temp will stay around the low 20's for the foreseeable future.

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