Thursday, September 15, 2011

Late On Thursday

I almost cried when I tipped out over twenty of my bottles of home brew. I had had enough, it tasted lousy and was not fun to enjoy. They were two brews in a row, one after the other and both brewed in July. I checked out my mate at the Home Brew Shop in town and we both reckoned it was most likely something to do with the barrel I was using. The base of the barrel had become quite scarred and scratched and this was a perfect spot for germs to harbour. I thought my boiling water trick would fix it but he said using sanitizer was a lot better.

I opened a August 11th brewed beer and it again tasted great. Late in August I started using the new barrel so hopefully all will now be OK.

The Community Association keeps me busy. I am keeping the flow of emails to local councillors up as well as repeatedly updating the website.

I continue to have a ball with the new phone. I downloaded an ebook and put it on the phone today. It is all a little bit of hit and miss.

I continue to bike ride but now have a cable tie infested helmet. And it works. A troublesome magpie flew over me today but kept its distance as it got closer to me. The cable ties had persuaded it to think twice before swooping.

On Wednesday I finished my bike ride, I put a new brew on, I mowed the lawn and did the edges, I vacuumed the pool and swept our favorite sitting spot. It was all a little too much with the temp in the middle 20's. The pool looked so inviting I stripped off and had a quick swim. I did a quick lap as it was mighty chilly in there!

We were hoping to have two couples over for a meal this week. One couple, Tony and Angela headed off to Sydney recently. We didn't know exactly when they were going or even when they may return. So we settled just to invite one couple around for a meal. Trish made her Garlic Prawns which were a huge success.

John and Margaret arrived around 6:30 pm and didn't head off until after 11:00 pm. It was great company.

Our neighbours on our right as you face our home moved out. They were renting the house. I suspect there was a marriage break-up as we didn't see his car too often recently. As you can see the house now has a "For Sale" sign. It is a very small home, no en-suite and just a single garage. Not the sort of place which would entice someone to buy.

With the housing market forecasting tough times ahead it may be empty for some time. We shall just have to wait and see.

Temps should reach the high 20's on Sunday. Friends Eddie and Patsy from Melbourne are visiting on the Gold Coast and they are popping up to stay with us for a couple of nights, beginning this Sunday. Should be fun, more Garlic Prawns I guess.

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