Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just As I Am About To Have My Birthday!

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Another 19 mls in the gauge this morning but we are promised the weather will be nicer today with fewer showers. Too wet again today for my bike ride.

Trish is off to Quilters today and I have a bottling to do. There is a local one-dayer on the TV this afternoon.

I returned the PC I reformatted yesterday (the lady was much better) and it is up and running again. They have a 3G wireless dongle they use to connect to the internet through the mobile phone network. It usually installs its own driver when it is first plugged in to a USB port. However the driver isn't suitable for Windows 7. I found the latest driver for them, installed it and now it connects to the internet beautifully.

Anyone who reckons the new 4G wireless promised by Telstra will mean the end of the NBN is joking if the 3G network is anything to go by. We had problems yesterday with the dongle, the weather had been wet and the 3G network doesn't work well here in Bellvista when the weather is wet!

I have convinced them to change from their wireless dongle connection back to ADSL2! They pay almost $50 for 3GB download with their Telstra 3G plan. What a rip off!

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