Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday's Update

Trish flew down to Melbourne on Tuesday afternoon. I got her to the local Maroochydore Airport in plenty of time prior to takeoff. With these budget airlines it is always better to be 30 minutes earlier than advised as you never know what could happen. She arrived safely down south and a quick call on Skype showed her with a couple of the grandkids. She was well rugged up!

On the way back from the airport I collected the 1300 copies of the Community Association Newsletter and dropped them off for distribution. I grabbed my lot, folded them and then I delivered them this morning (Thursday). We now have quite a team of volunteers so we get about 100 or so each to fold and deliver.

On Wednesday afternoon I visited a friend from the Computer Club and with a little trial and error sorted out a network so his new Windows 7 PC could swap files with his Windows XP laptop. As usual the problem was the firewalls on both machines. That was sorted out and then the two computers were eventually able to swap certain files. I had an evening meal there too which was great.

We had some rain Wednesday and over night into today. I tipped 9mls out of the gauge this morning. As I had mentioned earlier there was bottle washing to do for my home brew. That is now completed and the bottles are drying out in the backyard now. I gave them a brush clean as well this time to make extra sure there was no build up of any gunk anywhere! The sun is now out so hopefully they will dry and be ready to be filled in a day or so.

An elderly neighbour bought a new PC yesterday so this afternoon will be spent setting that up for him. That will be fun!

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