Friday, June 04, 2010

Graphics Card Replaced

The main PC is back in place in the 'office' and working again. After being pulled apart at the PC shop and giving it a close inspection small cracks were discovered in some of the solder points on the graphics card. The graphics card has been replaced. I have only started it up a couple of times since and at this stage all is running OK. During previous 2 hour severe tests at the PC shop on a previous occasion the graphics card had not shown any problems, it took a close visual inspection to sort it out.

The power supply has also been replaced as the fan was discovered to have a blade missing. My only minor hassle now is when the power supply was replaced I now no longer get the "Power On" light on the front of the tower. It will go back yet again to have this fixed but not right now.

All was done under warranty except it has cost me over $200 for a new and very large monitor. The other monitor which was deemed to be the problem now becomes my spare. I won't be sending it away for 'repair' as under normal conditions it works perfectly.

There was some excitement when I turned the PC on when I got it home as several programs did not want to work properly. The PC clock had turned itself off and had gone back to 1/1/2002! This made a huge mess of my anti-virus updates and the program showed as having a huge problem. A further anti virus update this morning has fixed all that.

I don't profess to be a computer guru but you would wonder how the everyday person in the street would get on in a situation like I have been through.

I do not question the shop as intermittent faults are the most difficult to solve. It was only when the fault occurred at the shop that the problem was overcome. I am a bit peeved that something as minor as the PC power light not coming on has still to be fixed. There should be a 'blue' power on indicator light showing all around the "Power" button in the photo above left.

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