Monday, June 21, 2010

The Shortest Day Of The Year

Friday afternoon's Bellvista Home Brew Appreciation Society meeting was very pleasant. Trish now joins us as well so there is a great two hour chat and a few beers. Three of the guys were there as well as three of the wives. We all get on pretty well so it is a very pleasant occasion.

As mentioned last Thursday we again have neighbours on our right as you face our front door. There was a hive of activity on Saturday as there must have been 8 adults there helping these people move in. It was a 'self move' job as there wasn't any sign of a regular furniture removal truck. Sunday there was nothing from next door so I guess they must have gone back to clean their previous home ready to hand it over to the agent again. They seem to be a slightly older couple (mid 30's) compared to the previous tenants. They have two children, 3 and 1 year of age I believe.

I did have a couple of beers with the other new neighbours Saturday afternoon and they seem very friendly, unlike the people who were in there before.

I mixed another brew this morning and put it on. It will be ready to bottle sometime next weekend. So I will be bottle washing one day this week. Trish flies back down to Melbourne tomorrow but this time it is only for a week. Our daughter Kate is joining her husband Arj in New Zealand for a week so Trish is heading south to baby-sit.

A lovely sunny day today with temps from about 10 up to 22. It will be glorious sitting in the sun.

Over the weekend we bought a small 'oil filled heater', 5 fins and 1000 watts. But it is just enough for where we live during the coldest time of the year. This is right now when we have it 'cold overnight' for about 6 weeks. Come August we no longer need anything in the way of heating.

Computer club on Saturday was great and I have been asked to do a presentation for next Saturday. I am going to do an introductory session on Google websites. Just Google "Google websites" and have a quick look. You could have your own website online in a matter of minutes using this great free Google tool.

I look after the Bellvista Community Association Newsletter and it needed to be finished by Friday to be printed off. It crept up on me a little this time so I was a little rushed to have it finished in time. But I got there OK .... but there is one 'typo' in this issue. I will collect them from the 'printer' on Tuesday so they should be delivered to all local households in our estate sometime next weekend.

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