Sunday, June 27, 2010

Press the "Up" Key On The Remote!

Trish is currently in Melbourne looking after the grand children while Kate and Arj are in New Zealand. I had a call from Trish this morning saying something had happened to the TV. Kate has a large 46" LCD TV. Trish says she pushes 7 but only gets a very snowy picture and wanted to know if I knew what was wrong! Well I didn't but we worked through it eventually. It appears that when the TV was first tuned the TV stations as we know them were not necessarily tuned to the numbers as we know them. So when Trish pressed "7" she probably got the old 'analogue' channel 7, not the new digital channel. We did eventually get to channel "One" and it was working perfectly. Then I asked her to hit the "Channel Up" button rather than the numbers and lo and behold all was working perfectly again!

My presentation to the Computer Club yesterday was not successful! I eventually got the message across but the club's brand new laptop I was using did not want to co-operate. You have to sign in and create a page via GMail. Then they give you one of those funny writing codes to fill in. I reckon I tried 8 times and the damn thing wouldn't work! Eventually I gave up, said thanks and began to pack up. I decided to have one more go and "Eureka" the "bloody" thing worked.

Then I went to show a quick tutorial movie on my subject I had downloaded to show people. Laptops and computers need all the 'codecs' so be able to code and decode the many different types of video files. Being a new laptop, there weren't any codecs installed and the movies I had wouldn't play! Next time I will take our laptop because I know it works.

This morning I bottled a brew after I had completed my 14k bike ride. To complete fermentation a teaspoon of sugar has to be put in the bottle before filling it. Put too much sugar in and you run the chance of over fermentation and the bottles exploding. I use this little measure to ensure the correct amount of sugar goes in each bottle.

This brew will be ready to enjoy in 2 weeks but will be even better if it can be left for 4 to 6 weeks.

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