Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Showers" = 32mls (1.25")

Yesterday's showers developed in to a 1.25" downpour later in the afternoon. It began to clear about 6 pm and we headed to the RSL to celebrate friend Angela's birthday. I won't say exactly which birthday it was but Angela is a little older than Trish. It was a great night out.

At the Computer Club Saturday morning I thought I had my first disaster but everything turned out OK in the end. I was using Window's System Restore to fix a problem on a member's relatively new laptop. System restore shut down the laptop and restarted. All seemed to be going fine until the screen just went black! A power off and power back on again eventually resulted in another black screen. A power off and power on and this time I selected "Start In Safe Mode" which got the laptop up again with an error message saying the system had not been restored, "please check your anti-virus". This prompted a response that that morning instead of hitting 'Cancel' the member had hit 'Activate' on her free trial version of Norton Antivirus! So I uninstalled Norton in Safe Mode and to complete the uninstall we had to restart the laptop! I was a pretty relieved guy when the laptop started and loaded OK. Norton had not been fully uninstalled so after a few minutes I had a Norton Uninstall Tool and finished the job off. A restart and everything was running 100% again!

Today (Sunday) I have been doing some work on the BeCA website by adding a few pieces. I also added something to the BeCA Blog site and then decided to do my Blog too! Before this I washed enough bottles for a bottling in the next few days. They are drying in the sun right now along with these bottle tops.

This afternoon is two cricket matches and an AFL footy match to keep me occupied.

Rain is expected to return tomorrow!

Have you read the joke below?

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