Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back Into The Swing Of Things

The weather has been hot and sticky. It must be humid here when even the locals are complaining about it. But it is all due to end later today when a cool southeasterly change blows in bringing less humid and cooler weather along with showers. As summer is nearly at an end, the days are shorter now and the house hasn't been as warm. We may even turn the ceiling fan off over night nowadays.

Yesterday was the warmest day this February. As you can see from this photo yours truly did discover a way to cool off later in the afternoon! The pool temperature remains around high 20's so it is very comfortable in the water. I have a quick swim most nights before going to bed!

I have temporarily completed the double palings along the back fence. Paul is due to come back with his nail gun and complete the job. I have screwed the final panel of palings into place which I will remove when Paul is available again. Currently he is a bit busy with work and the markets they do, you almost have to book an appointment to see him! The fence looks OK though and finishes off the backyard.

I spent some time yesterday helping an older couple out over the road with their computer. I put Office 2000 on for them so they could read an Excel document which had been emailed to them. Then today Brian was over saying their printer wouldn't work. Somehow or other it had gone back to an older printer they used to have and had made it the default. I just swapped the default back to the new printer and all worked OK.

I am having a couple of problems with my computer too. The screen doesn't always turn on at start up. Again I think it has become a bit mixed up and the computer forgets there is a screen attached to the DVI connector (not the regular VGA connector). To fix this I will turn everything off overnight, pull the plugs out of the wall and disconnect the screen totally from the computer. In the morning I will reconnect it all, plug in the power then turn it on. Hopefully the computer will need to reconnect to the screen via DVI and it will 'remember' from then on. You need to remove the power for a good couple of hours from both the computer and the screen to totally clear the memory of the PC and the screen. So when I restart it the next day the computer needs to reset everything.

Or maybe I need a new PC!

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