Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Wet & Windy

I have tipped about 40mls out of the rain gauge the last two days. It hasn't been non stop rain, just lots of very heavy showers. It has been accompanied by strong winds too which make cleaning the pool a waste of time. As soon as it is cleaned, more grit, bark and mulch blows back in to take its place. It isn't too bright outside right now as this photo shows.

There hasn't been any bike riding the last two days as it has either been too wet or much too windy.

I popped around to a Computer Club Member's home yesterday and sorted out a problem or two for her. I reinstalled a copy of Nero so she could burn CD's again. For some reason it had stopped working but I am pleased to report all is up and running again.

Last week my hearing aid stopped working. It seems to rust up quickly especially after bike riding or something where I perspire a lot. I tried to remove some rust from the battery contacts with a cotton bud but inadvertently bent them. In trying to reposition the contacts they became loose. I put it in to be repaired expecting the bill to be well over $100 as the aid is now out of warranty. It came back from the repairers in Sydney and all I had to pay was the courier fees.

I attend the Hearing Aid place once a year for a general hearing checkup and a check of my hearing aid. I went in yesterday to have the Annual Checkup and was explaining the rust problem I have. Matt (the audiologist) gave me a a small electronic hearing aid drying box at no charge. Though I paid top dollar for the aid when I bought it, I am doing OK with it now as far as costs are concerned.

Last night we had a meeting for the local Community Association so this morning I updated the website with all the latest arising from last night's meeting. If you want to be bored even more, you can see the update here. I enjoy looking after and updating the website.

Last night we watched an Australian movie called Beautiful Kate. It wasn't too bad at all with quite a sad and bizarre twist in the tale. It starred several Australian actors, Ben Mendlesohn and Bryan Brown as well as Rachel Ward.

I see where the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) now has the 'score' for this movie dropping to 6.7. I guess this reflects the taboo subject of it and the majority of 'voters' who would have been American. It seems that some movies covering controversial subjects score less, where as a feelgood movie appeals more to American IMDB voters and gets better scores.

But this was not always true. The movie "Milk" told the story of the first homosexual elected to public office in USA and was an Academy Award winning movie. It received an excellent score at IMDB!

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