Monday, February 08, 2010

The Power Of The Blog

In yesterday's blog post I complained about the Sunshine Coast missing out on the rain which effected areas south of Brisbane. I spoke too soon! These Blogs are very powerful things, turning comparatively dry days into days of heavy rain! Yesterday's post worked a treat!

This morning I tipped 75 mls of rain (3") out of the rain gauge. We had heavy showers on and off all day. I turned the water diverter (which diverts water running down the downpipes into the pool) off after about 20 minutes the pool filled so quickly! And another little advantage of the wet weather was that it was a cool day with temps around 24 or 25.

I am not riding this morning as though the peak of the rain has passed, we still get the occasional short and very sharp heavy shower of rain. One little shower this morning only went for a minute but dropped 1.5mls of rain (6/100ths). It would have totally saturated anyone who was foolish enough to be bikeriding.

The photos don't provide a full picture of just how heavy a shower can be here. You will probably need to click on each photo to get a bigger view to see the rain, then just click on Back to return to this page.

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