Sunday, February 14, 2010

Very Quiet Valentine's Day

Valentine's day doesn't mean much to us, it will be a usual quiet Sunday.

Saturday was again busy at the Computer Club! I don't know what some people do with their computers and the huge tangles they get themselves into! One lady was sending 2MB photos as email attachments so I showed her how to drop them down to a more manageable size. Another guy wanted a Google sidebar but I couldn't convince him it was a waste of computer energy! Another guy wanted to import phone numbers he had on an Excel sheet in to his phone. We couldn't solve that one! Along with other small bits of help it was a busy morning!

This morning I washed bottles after delivering 150 Bellvista Community Association Newsletters. I now write the Newsletter, help print it, help fold it and then deliver some of them!

Like yesterday we have cricket and now Aussie rules footy on TV this afternoon along with a few coldies in the fridge! I will sneak in a few swims in the pool and thus complete another great Sunday. Heavy rain is forecast to hit us from Monday night and go till mid week.

On Wednesday Trish and I are off to Hervey Bay (about 200k's north of here) to stay at Kondari Resort for several nights. Tony and Angela as well as Paul and Linda will join us for Thursday and Friday. This is good because we will possibly have an extended Bellvista Home Brew Appreciation Society Meeting lasting a couple of days! We should be home here by Saturday afternoon. The place we are staying at is pictured.

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