Sunday, October 18, 2009

On The Mend

The weather here remains fine with sunny days. However the wind is now from the the south so our days are a little cooler with most daily temps getting to the mid 20's. There still hasn't been any rain to speak of for some time.

I have had a bit of a head cold which has seen me finish up with an infection. After a hastily made doctor's appointment on Friday I am now on a course of antibiotics so the infection should be cleared up shortly. I have a problem with one of my ears and this has been involved with the infection. It has upset my balance a little. Things are OK if I am sitting but any sudden movement and I can become a little unsteady on my feet. My painful ear is now much improved and the 10k morning bike ride is off the agenda.

I had a second visit for the week to the chiropractor as my back was giving me all sorts of trouble.

With the head cold infection I have been trying to take it easy and have generally stayed at home. I did get to Computer Club yesterday which I enjoyed. On Friday I struggled to the homes of a couple of other Computer Club members and assisted with installing a printer at one place and sorting out a couple of issues at another.

Yesterday afternoon Trish and I headed around to have a quiet couple of drinks with Paul and Linda. Tony Mohr joined us later. It was a lovely afternoon.

Today will again be quiet as I continue to battle with the head cold.

Keith sent me a copy of this youtube video of a bicyclist being chased by a police car. Boy can he ride!

Click HERE to see the video

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